Saturday, August 31, 2019
Optimizing Physical Properties of Municipal Waste Sites
OPTIMIZING PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MUNICIPAL WASTE SITES TO SUITAS A CONSTRUCTION SITE Abstraction Waste is universally generated by homo from their assorted activities. Besides sum of waste coevals is increasing really quickly. Open dumping of municipal solid waste is common pattern in srilanka. Bloemendal waste pace was taken as instance survey of this research. Bloemendhal shit waste is silty sand type and such dirt can be treated with traditional calcium hydroxide and cement stabilizes methods. The end of this research was to better shit waste to upgrade its strength and public presentation of the dirt. The selected stabilizes were lime and cement. Key findings of the research are, ( 1 ) Strength of treated dirt additions with clip, ( 2 ) Strength fluctuation with cement and calcium hydroxide content, ( 3 ) Strength Variation with wet content, ( 4 ) Applicability of cement and calcium hydroxide as a stabilizer, ( 5 ) strength fluctuation with Water/amendment ratio. Introduction Waste We can be merely explicate as any stuffs that is discarded by worlds after its intent is obtained.Waste is increase twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours due to the all human activities in all over the universe. This sort of Waste we can split in to three classs. They are Solid, liquid and gaseous. In developing states Open Dumpsites are common, due to the low budget for waste disposal. Open dumping of municipal solid waste is common patterns in Sri Lanka. By pattern dumping of waste at land fill sites is done. But this can do by negative facets people populating in the vicinity. The chemicals used in waste can be carried by H2O and affects the land H2O. And besides these sort chemicals assorted with rain H2O and rain H2O transported them in to our imbibing beginnings. Such as rivers, lakes and etc. This has become a major issue at present. The shit paces, after stabilisation of solid waste utilizing calcium hydroxide and cement can be used for the building of assorted development undertakings like edifice sites, resort areas, recreational countries etc. this scheme is really advantageous when urban countries are concerned where sufficient infinite can non be found for recreational intents and other sort of development undertakings. Besides the stabilised solid waste can be economically used as fills for roads and roads embankments. Waste can be slackly defined as any stuff that is considered to be of no farther usage to the proprietor and is, therefore discarded. Waste is generated universally and is a direct effect of all human activities. Wastes are by and large classified into solid, liquid and gaseous. In developing states unfastened garbage dumps are common, due to the low budget for waste disposal. Open dumping of municipal solid waste is a common pattern in Sri Lanka. The disposal of wastes in landfill sites has progressively caused concern about possible inauspicious wellness effects for population life nearby, peculiarly in relation to those sites where risky waste is dumped. In the environment, chemicals and other contaminations found in solid waste can ooze into our groundwater and can besides be carried by rain H2O to rivers and lakes that are our beginnings for imbibing H2O. The shit paces, after stabilisation of solid waste utilizing calcium hydroxide and cement can be used for the building of assorted development undertakings like edifice sites, playgrounds recreational countries etc. this scheme is really advantageous when urban countries are concerned where sufficient infinite can non be found for recreational intents and other sorts of development undertakings. Besides the stabilised solid waste can be economically used as fills of roads and route embankments. Comprehensive research works must be carried out to measure the suitableness of stabilised solid waste for route fills in footings of its strength.LITERATURE REVIEWThis research is all about the traditional dirt stabilizers viz. lime and cement. The stabilisation mechanisms and the effectivity of those stabilizers have been demonstrated by many research workers in many applications. This literature reappraisal focal point on the known belongingss of traditional stabilizers as relevant to the r esearch.Soil stabilisationStabilization was defined as the betterment of dirt strength under applied burden by Bulbul ( 2013 ) and besides stabilisation was described as the change of the dirt belongingss by chemical or physical agencies in order to heighten the technology quality of the dirt by Ankit ( 2013 ) .In general dirt stabilisation can be described as a procedure of bettering certain coveted belongingss in dirt stuff. Soil stuffs which have been thought non utile in technology application can be improved utilizing dirt stabilisation procedure. McNally ( 1998 ) showed that the betterments of dirt belongingss are caused by dirt stabilisation can include the undermentioned strength, volume stableness and lastingness features. Sodium and K cations are normally found in expansive clay dirt and those can be exchanged with cations like Ca, which are found in calcium hydroxide, Portland cement and fly ash. This is a rapid reaction and ion exchange procedure takes topographic point frequently within a few hours. The Ca cations replace with the Na cations around the dirt atoms. So soil stabilisation is a long term strength addition activity. ( Justin 2004 ) Soil stabilisation is really utile when it is more economical to get the better of a lack in a readily available stuff than to convey in one that to the full complies with the demands of specification for the dirt ( Ola,1975 ) . This dirt stabilisation method can be used where no other economic option is available. The chief addictives for dirt stabilisation,Gravel crushed sumPortland cementCalcium hydroxideThe magnitude of dirt stabilisation is measured by the addition in strength as determined from unconfined compaction testing.Lime stabilisationThere are t wo primary types of calcium hydroxide is used today in the building field are quicklime ( Calcium oxide ) and hydrated calcium hydroxide ( calcium hydrated oxide ) . Heating limestone at higher temperatures produces quicklime and the add-on of H2O to the calcium oxide produces hydrated calcium hydroxide ( 5 ) . Equation ( 2.1 ) shows the reaction of limestone when it is heated. That produces quicklime with C dioxide as a by-product. CaCo3+ Heat i? CaO + CO2( 2.1 ) Equation ( 2.2 ) shows that add-on of H2O to the calcium oxide CaO produces hydrated lime/Ca ( OH )2with heat as a byproduct. CaO +H2O i? Ca ( OH )2+ Heat ( 2.2 ) Soil conditions and mineralogical belongingss have a important consequence on the long-run strength addition in dirt and lime blend ( 5 ) . Introduction of Ca hydrated oxide increases Ph, doing the silicon oxide and aluminum oxide in the clay particles to go soluble and interact with the Ca in a pozzolanic reaction ( 5, 7 ) . A pozzolonic reaction between silicon oxide or aluminum oxide in the clay atoms and Ca from the calcium hydroxide can organize a cemented construction that increases the strength of the stabilised dirt. Residual Ca must stay in the system to unite with the available silicon oxide or aluminum oxide and to maintain the pH high plenty to keep the pozzolanic creative activity ( 5 ) . The per centum of calcium hydroxide used for any undertaking depends on the dirt type being stabilized. The finding of the measure of calcium hydroxide is normally based on an analysis of the consequence that different calcium hydroxide per centums have on the decrease of malleability and the addition in strength of the dirt. However, most all right grained dirt can be efficaciously stabilized with 3 % -10 % of calcium hydroxide, based on the dry weight of the dirt. Lime is used extensively to alter the technology belongingss of powdered dirts. It is most effectual in handling plastic clays capable of keeping big sum of H2O ( 6 ) . 2.1.2 Cement stabilisation Portland cement is a multi-mineral compound made up of Ca oxide, aluminum oxide, silicon oxide and Fe ( 5 ) . When stabilisation of dirt is done by blending dirt with cement in different proportions is called as dirt cement stabilisation. Soil cement is a mixture of powdered dirt and mensural sum of H2O and cement, compacted to desired denseness and cured ( 1 ) . When cement is assorted with H2O, cementing compound of calcium-silicate-hydrate ( C-S-H ) and calcium-aluminate-hydrate ( C-A-H ) are formed ( 5 ) . With lime stabilisation, the silicon oxide is provided when the clay atom is broken down. With cement stabilisation, the cement already contains the silicon oxide without necessitating to interrupt down the clay mineral. Therefore, unlike lime stabilisation, cement stabilisation is reasonably independent of the dirt belongingss. ( 8 ) . Some Ca is available to respond with the clay atom early in the alteration procedure when H2O is added, and extra Ca becomes available subsequently as it forms during cement hydration ( 5 ) . The hydrates help to stabilise disturbed clay atoms through cementation. The hydration reactions and strength additions for the most portion between 24 hours and 28 yearss ( 5 ) . The function of cement is to better the technology belongingss of available dirt such as strength squeezability, permeableness, swelling possible and sensitiveness to alter in wet content. Soil cement stuffs range from semi flexible to semi stiff depending on the type of dirt and sum of dirt used ( 1 ) .
Friday, August 30, 2019
Global Poverty, Development, and Global Processes Uganda Essay
It was British Prime Minister Winston Churchill who conceived the term â€Å"Pearl of Africa†pertaining to the small country teeming with magnificent scenery, wildlife, and friendly people. Uganda was really beautiful, until war tore it apart and left it in the clutches of poverty and underdevelopment. Uganda is a country in East Africa surrounded by other countries, making it a landlocked country. Its borders include Kenya on the east, Sudan on the north, the Democratic Republic of Congo on the west, Rwanda on the southwest, and Tanzania on the south. The name â€Å"Pearl of Africa†may have been based on the fact that it is at the center of different countries and it had great wildlife and natural resources, as well as a very welcoming people. With all the good qualities Uganda possessed at that time, Winston Churchill was merely stating the obvious in saying that it was Africa’s pearl. At the time when Uganda was given the â€Å"pearl†recognition, the country was really a picture of abundance in terms of natural treasures. It was considered to be one of the most bio-diverse countries in the African continent (Kasirye, 2005). It was blessed with jungle rainforests, boasting of more than a thousand species of birds, as well as other types of wildlife including mountain gorillas, chimpanzees, and other primates. It also has a site being passed by the Nile River, giving life to various animals and people inhabiting near the waters. Its diverse environment includes snow-capped glacier peaks, healthy and surviving rainforests, and a lot of wildlife all of which are great ecological importance to the people. At present, it is hard to say that Uganda still is the pearl of Africa because a lot has changed, following Churchill’s visit, when he gave Uganda its moniker. It wasn’t only the physical characteristics that changed in Uganda but also its people. This aspect is really crucial because it is what defines a country, and the changes that took place in Uganda may have long-term effect on the country and its people. Uganda may still have teeming wildlife and abundant natural resources, but in the present time, this may not be enough for it to be considered the pearl again. The changes that happened were really formative, affecting people’s prejudices and biases, thus affecting their decisions and activities. It was a common in Uganda’s politics to see one president getting overthrown by another. Most of their changes in leadership back in those days were results of drastic measures like coups and counter-coups. It was during the rule of Idi Amin when Uganda saw a really big change. It was not on the positive aspect though. Amin ruled over Uganda alongside the military, so anything that crosses his path would have to be illuminated. Many Ugandans died, while some were forced to flee to nearby countries. The Indian minorities which served as a backbone of their economy were driven away, causing a great fall in the country’s economy. Idi Amin tried to make his decade-long stay in power worthwhile by passing stricter laws to regulate the people and maintaining peace in the country (Short, 1971). His cruel means wouldn’t go unchecked when the neighboring Tanzania invaded Uganda with the help of Ugandan exiles. The Uganda-Tanzania war overturned the whole country, all in order to remove Amin from his position. His rule ended in 1979, replaced by another person that would also be removed shortly after (Fallers, 1955). After a series of coups and wars, the abundant resources that gained Uganda the titular â€Å"pearl of Africa†seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. It is true that the country is still teeming with wildlife, but the problem is that Uganda is running out of space to house that wildlife and its people. Uganda’s people aren’t just expanding in numbers but also expanding in expectations (Myers, 1971). After the problematic years of wars and settling political differences between leaders, they seem to be facing a problem of a different level, something that can’t be easily solved by taking arms and fighting one another. Uganda has a land area of less than 200,000 sq km, about twice the size of Pennsylvania. However, Uganda’s population of more than 30 million is ten times more than that of the said state. Now, we can no longer say that Uganda is still the pearl of Africa. Even though it has the resources and wildlife to boast, it’s still not enough to support the consumption of its population. It would have stood out if it could cater to the needs of the people of Uganda along with being a global wildlife landmark. But the predicament it is on right now is more of a pressing concern than maintaining its position as the pearl of Africa. Many people are cramped up in a small country, so it is expected that there would be a shortage of space and opportunities for the people. Uganda is more of a dead fish right now, instead of being the pearl of Africa. It tries to survive with the international aid from other countries, but still the problem continues. The population continues to grow, the number of moths to feed increases, the number of food and space available continue to shrink. In a nutshell, Uganda is suffering and is barely able to support its people. If these events continue, then the future would be vague for country. One problem that was worsened by wars and political unrest in Uganda was the HIV/AIDS pandemic, which was evident not only in the country, but all throughout the continent of Africa (Hooper, 1987). Sexual abuses brought about by war worsened this problem, as it spread throughout the country, affecting 20% of the population back in the early decades. It easily spread throughout the country because it was left unchecked, with political leaders more concerned about their positions instead of focusing on the welfare of the people. Coupled with poverty and overpopulation, HIV/AIDS easily spread throughout the population. It is common to expect this kind of problem in countries like Uganda. With political unrest, leaders give little interest to the things that really matter to the populace. There is insufficient funding for the efforts to solve the problem; worse, there could be no efforts at all in solving this kind of situation. Less developed countries like Uganda have very limited funds, and they’re often spent on things that won’t do the people any good. These funds would also be subject to the corruption of the political leaders, so only a small portion of the small budget would be appropriated for large scale problems like spread of diseases. On a lighter note, when the government of Uganda settled after the war and political unrest was resolved, the HIV/AIDS problem was given proper attention. Uganda’s HIV/AIDS problem was a success story because they were able to reduce the prevalence of the disease from almost 20% in the 1990s to just 5% in 2002. Well, compared with other countries, it is still high, especially with a population of 30 million. But the degree of the problem was greatly reduced, proving that it is not too late for Uganda. If they’re able to solve one problem, it is likely that they can solve more. Another matter of concern for Uganda is education. With the increasing number of population, more and more people are not able to go to school, both because of poverty and the lack of educational facilities. Consequently, the decline in the quality of education available for the people is hurting Uganda, as it causes them additional financial constraints. Education provides the people a chance to land a stable, good paying job, and for the government, this means efficient taxation. But with people unable to get good jobs or at least any job, then they would be a great blow to Uganda financially. The education problem is prevalent not only in Uganda but also to other parts of the world. It goes along with poverty, since poor families wouldn’t really be able to send their children to school. Instead of paying for education, they’d rather use whatever money they have to put food on their plate. The children are also expected to work to earn additional income for the family, instead of attending school. With the sheer number of Uganda’s people, the schools get filled easily. Even if a student is willing and able to go to school, if there is no school available, then they have no other choice but to do other things. Because of the wasted opportunities and financial constraints brought about by Uganda’s education situation, the government exerted more effort to finance education in the country. One set-up that they focused on was the introduction of student loans for the higher education in Uganda (Kajubi, 1992). Through this way, students would be encouraged to finish their studies even if they don’t have the money. Those who would be able to finish their studies with the help of these loans would be able to land better jobs or work for the government, and that would be the time for them to pay their loans. Currently, government efforts to solve education problems are just being executed. The short run effects aren’t really obvious, but the long run outcomes are the ones being anticipated. Focusing on education problems would hopefully solve their problems, though it would take some time to really see some concrete effects of their efforts. But still, there are a lot of children who are unable to go to schools, so the government still has to intensify their efforts to solve the problem of education in the country. There are also government efforts to revive Uganda’s title â€Å"pearl of Africa†. Promotion of the country is being done through websites and magazines, featuring Uganda’s nature spots and rich wildlife (Africapoint. com, 2008). Through these campaigns, Uganda is again being promoted as a tourist spot, just like what Winston Churchill did a few decades ago. With the help of contemporary mass media, people from different parts of the world learn about Uganda, and hopefully, attract them to come and visit. Tourism offers a source of income for the people, which could in turn help them with their daily needs. Uganda is a good example of how political mismanagement, wars, and other factors affect the development of a country. Uganda is not an isolated case. A lot of other countries experience the same situations as that of Uganda. But that shouldn’t stop them from desiring to improve and develop. Despite the constraints experienced by Uganda because of wars and political unrest, they are slowly recovering, with the help of the international community. More and more projects are pushed through, all for the improvement of the country and its people. Its global connections are really a big help, and hopefully, it would continue to benefit Uganda, so that they would again deserve to be called the Pearl of Africa. References: Africapoint. com. (2008). Uganda – The Pearl of Africa Glows Again. Retrieved April 1, 2009, from http://72. 14. 235. 132/search? q=cache:OqX1jq7MkQQJ:www. africapoint. com/downloads/Uganda-Tour. pdf+pearl+of+africa&cd=5&hl=tl&ct=clnk&gl=ph Fallers, L. (1955). The Predicament of the Modern African Chief: An Instance from Uganda. American Anthropologist, Vol. 57(No. 2). Hooper, E. (1987). AIDS in Uganda. African Affairs, Vol. 86(No. 345). Kajubi, W. S. (1992). Financing of Higher Education in Uganda. Higher Education, Vol. 23(No. 4). Kasirye, V. (2005). Uganda the Pearl of Africa. Retrieved April 1, 2009, from http://72. 14. 235. 132/search? q=cache:55WX2tzvlaYJ:www. worldharvestmission. org/Uganda_Report. pdf+pearl+of+africa&cd=10&hl=tl&ct=clnk&gl=ph Myers, N. (1971). Wildlife and Development in Uganda. BioScience, Vol. 21(No. 21). Short, P. (1971). Amin’s Uganda. Transition(No. 40).
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Winning Formula for Planning an Event Essay
The Winning Formula for Planning an Event - Essay Example Thomas Burberry. The organisation possesses multiple franchises and branded stores situated around the world. The company is said to operate with a sum total of 9000 employees. With these considerations, the main aim of the report will be to analyse and implement effective strategies to launch a new product range of women handbags. Correspondingly, it will highlight all those factors related to the marketing team’s efforts backed with the efforts of a Marketing Assistant working within the marketing team for successful launch of the product. For the purpose of fulfilment of this ideal task, organisation of a particular event focusing on a suitable venue and appropriate marketing communications in support of the marketing mix will be analysed and fixed. In order to analyse the appropriateness of the product launch process, the report will additionally highlight the main findings derived from analysing the marketing activities in the process of product launch. Correspondingly, i t will provide certain specific recommendation through which the company can improve its overall process of product launch (Burberry, n.d.). ... Correspondingly, it will provide certain specific recommendation through which the company can improve its overall process of product launch (Burberry, n.d.). Main Findings In relation to following the process of successful launch of the product, it can be said that Burberry is expected to achieve a fair rate of response from the consumers. This factor can be provided with the maximum amount of weightage owing to the fact that the organisation has already made name for itself in the category of women’s handbags. This product is considered to be as one of the most selling offerings of the company. Besides, Burberry has been able to create a strong goodwill in the worldwide market. All these factors combined together can provide great aid to the company while making the product launch process effective. However, this particular marketing activity is going to pose certain of amount of challenges as there will be a diverse marketing team whose active involvement will be required a t all the levels (Burberry, n.d.). In this regard, the Marketing Assistant will have to cohesively work with the team for the best interests of the company. Venue In relation to selecting a specific venue, it has been decided that the Wales would be the appropriate location. It has been felt that as there is already a Burberry factory located in this particular area, the consumers will not face any hurdles in relation to recognising this particular brand. Therefore, the exact venue for the launch of the product will be in St David's shopping centre which is determined to be the biggest shopping mall in Wales (WalesOnline, n.d.). This particular
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Role of IT in today's business Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Role of IT in today's business - Term Paper Example In addition, by implementing information technology into their business the corporations have better options for managing their business activities. This paper will outline different aspects of information technology. The basic aim of this research is to examine the impacts of information technology on businesses. Role of IT in Today’s Business Improving business efficiency is the term that can be utilized to describe the scope of information technology role in today’s business. Additionally, at the present, competition in the fast growing trade circumstances requires timeline for people to analyze and implement advance distributing information and knowledge which comes in a more rapid manner than ever before. In addition, it is a key fact that technology plays a crucial role in today's business setting. Seeing that a lot of companies at the present significantly rely on computer machines and software that are valuable for them to provide precise information for their b usiness, to mange them properly. Moreover, IT role in business today has become ever more necessary for all businesses to slot in information technology related solutions to manage them in a successful way. In this scenario, one major aspect that several organizations have adopted IT infrastructure on a large scale by implementing the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems in order to carry out their business transaction, business hosting, marketing and data processing requirements (Bae and Ashcroft; Turban, Leidner and McLean). Majority of businesses today seem to be a balanced flow of knowledge that is available for some organizations that implement information technology inside the business. Additionally, the constant up gradation of IT sector is gradually developing and it results in strong impact on business applications that has changed considerably from the time when the IT enabled organizations were often considered as data processing. Today, in several industries, IT pr ovides such services, which are useful for some businesses to make them more eminent than their competitors in local or international market. In addition, successful managers of companies or corporations examine information technology like a strategic business enabler or as a substitute of an expenditure center; furthermore work for maximal competence and effectiveness of their IT operations. As a result, they can focus on their resources on providing worth to the business and quick reaction to today’s environment of swiftly varying business conditions (TechNet; Turban, Leidner and McLean). The Changing Role of IT in Today's Business Climate At the present, business competitors must make sure that no matter whatever funds they allocate and what investments they formulate are paid incrementally. As a result, in this perspective, capitulate from an IT asset or investment desires to be pretty quick. Additionally, the advancements in information technology have allowed the busine ss society to create a passion with the scope of risk management that various IT executives are finding it to be challenging and difficult to adopt devoid of some external help. In this scenario, partnerships with IT services companies would result in better productivity, global competition, organizational network structures, reduction in the expenditure of failures that are expected and healthy growth rates
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Effects of Different Mathematic Instructional Techniques for Learning Research Paper
Effects of Different Mathematic Instructional Techniques for Learning Disabled Students - Research Paper Example The idea of this research emerged from the author’s interest and fascination in how two different teaching techniques could ensure better results for students with learning disabilities that were struggling to learn how to solve mathematical word problems. Teaching young students that have learning disabilities can be difficult as they must overcome hurdles that other children do not. This analysis is imperative to help find new ways to teach young students so that they are more successful in learning a technique to solve math problems so they will not be hindered by their learning disability and instead be able to take these techniques and apply them to their future adult lives. The hypothesis of this research is that one of the two techniques will help students progress in learning how to solve word math problems though it is not initially clear how the two instructional techniques differentiate until farther into the experiment. There are multiple points in the literary ana lysis by that can shed light on the two different teaching techniques on how to teach problem-solving in the sector of mathematics that would impact how it could help students with learning disabilities improve. One main point in this research is to increase awareness to teachers, students and parents alike that mathematical problem-solving skills are crucial to students in their futures, regardless of whether or not they have learning disabilities.Â
Monday, August 26, 2019
Globalisation and the State - Discuss Literature review
Globalisation and the State - Discuss - Literature review Example This term provides, in a nut shell, the idea of capitalist globalisation. The transnational capitalist class consists of four segments. These are the owners and affiliates of the transnational corporations that control the business objectives and activities of these corporations; politicians and bureaucrats from different nations; professionals working globally in different sectors and finally the consumerist elite class consisting of rich merchants and media professionals (Sklair, 2001). The transnational capital has become an important part of the capital endowment of the world. Different classes in the Marxist understanding refer to the divisions among workers all over the world on the basis of the relation they have with the social production function (Fouskas and Gokay, 2012). The translational capitalist class has no national boundaries and they are forerunners of the modern spree of globalization. This new bourgeoisie class is recognised as the capitalist class and they repres ent the transnational capital. ... However, recently, the concept of sustainable development has evolved and companies are now concerned about the sustainability of their business activities (Robinson, 2003). Great depression of 2008: Capitalism Perspective Various economists and researchers have studied the phenomenon of the global depression which was a consequence of the large scale financial crisis that occurred during 2007-2008. The global depression of the 2008 has been viewed by many scholars under the light of the global capitalist theory (Krugman, 2009). The rise of the transnational capital and transnational capitalist class has led to the emergence of a â€Å"globally integrated production and financial system†(Robinson, 2012). According to the reports published by commentators of events of economic and political significance in the world, the crisis has its roots in the sub-prime loan fiasco in the United States that had surfaced in mid-2007 (Jones, 2004). It has been emphasised that the financial debacle had been taking its shape for a long period of time even before it came to public notice in mid-2007. The overall global recession followed inevitably and remained effective over the next year. The original cause of the crisis lies deep in Marxist understanding. It can be stated with evidence that the crisis situation was a result of contradictions of state power and over-accumulation. Capitalism strives and progresses by the means of capital accumulation. However, over accumulation of capital restricts the direct productive involvement of human capital in the process of the production. Due to over accumulation, the economic system cannot expand. Marginalization of a considerably high portion of the working population from direct productive participation and downward pressure on wages
Sunday, August 25, 2019
MARKET ANALYSIS AND REPORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
MARKET ANALYSIS AND REPORT - Essay Example The following factors help in obtaining the reason behind different arithmetic means exhibited by the given institutions: An appropriate investment decision will entail the consideration of the prevailing political and legal changes. These changes, including tax changes, have direct influence on the decision made by an investor in the industry. The changes either can be against or in favor of profitability witnessed depending on the strategies taken by the industry to reduce the influence. For instance, reduction of tax in a certain industry will attract investor. Tax decrease normally associates to high profitability in that given industry consequently attracting more investors. Before making investment decision, investors always consider the historical performance of the company in the market. The historical performance gives appropriate information for determining the probability of a company to achieve profitability in its operation. Since profit acts as the main objective any investor, their decision will depend on the profitability in the recent years. The ability of a company to sustain the interest of the investors for a long time will depend on the associate expected future trends. In future, a company may decide to adopt mergers, acquisition or dividend declaration leading to the change in the image it upholds to the investors. Declaration of dividend by a company accentuates the certainty of the company to increase the share dividend to the investors. Further, action by a company to merge will also insinuate profitability to the investors. Acquiring part of a company also increases the share dividend that a company gives to its investors. The occurrence of these three changes shows that expected future events may affect the investor’s decisions. These factors, as indicated, influence the choice made by the investors making them be of significance to the manager when making
Cultural representation of Italians in the media. Looking at the MTV Essay
Cultural representation of Italians in the media. Looking at the MTV series Jersey Shore - Essay Example Alternatively, they are momma’s boys. They all have names like Pauly and Joey, and eat spaghetti every night. Of course, this is not the case – Italians are just as nuanced as anybody else. Some may fit the stereotype, and most probably do not. Nonetheless, the cultural portrayals of Italians have been largely negative, and there is no place where this is more evident than the television show Jersey Shore. The show is based upon 10 Italian-Americans living in a house on the Jersey Shore in the first season, and Miami Beach in the second season, and centers around the exploits of the â€Å"Guidos†and â€Å"Guidettes†in the house. The girls are high maintenance, crass, vain and drunk. The boys are perpetually tanned, with blow-out hair, muscular, crass, vain and drunk. They all hook up with random people, and say cuss words every other word. They are all apparently low class, and, with the exception of one of the boys, uneducated. In short, the show takes every negative stereotype of the Italian American and adds a few more. And, unfortunately for the Italian Americans in society, the show is a huge hit. Basic Concepts – Collective Identity, Culture and Cultural Sociology To understand why Jersey Shore is so offensive to Italian-Americans, one must understand the basics of culture, identity and ethnic identity. These are all basic concepts that ties in why television shows that feature stereotypes are harmful to targeted groups. The first concept that needs to be understood is that of culture, as television shows, such as Jersey Shore would be considered to be a part of our popular culture. Culture refers to the way that individuals make sense of their world, and a way to individuals to find meaning (Cushman, 1996, p. 7). Events that occur in the individual’s world are thus interpreted through the culture of the individual, and this is one way that individuals understand the modern world. The social world is what provid es the basis for an individual’s culture, specifically the concrete experiences experienced by this individual. Culture is reflexive, in that people make culture, and culture makes the individual. This is how both individual and collective identities are formed. (Cushman, 1996, p. 7). A person’s life is shaped by culture because culture imposes inherent patterns that are formed by communal life, logic and narrative, and discourse and language. In this way, culture forms the self, as the growth of the self is dependent upon external images and social bonds (Bruner, 1990, p. 42). The internal thoughts, feelings and states of consciousness that an individual has is externalized and shared by concrete representations of culture and are formed into cultural objects, which includes television programs (Cushman, 1996, p. 90). Moreover, culture helps frame the individual’s experiences and acts, because these are realized by the individual when he or she participates in culture’s symbolic systems (Bruner, 1990, p. 33). Culture is how individual meaning becomes communal and public (Bruner, 1990, p. 34). Moreover, there is proof that television series, among other cultural objects, impact the culture because culture is learned, not innate. This was shown by the studies done by Eisenhart (1995). Eisenhart set out to find out what aspects of a given culture influences individuals, and why this would be so (Eisenhart, 1995, p. 4). Eisenhart posited that there would be different ways of transmitting
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Radium Dial Girls Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Radium Dial Girls - Research Paper Example Physicians took interest in the gamma ray emissions from radium radioactive decomposition and the potential therapeutic effects of internally deposited radium in humans (Rowland, 1994). Beginning in 1903, radium use became popular in the U.S. Its healing powers and the improved quality of lives of users have been widely publicized in the country. Radium drink or â€Å"liquid sunshine†could treat stomach cancer (Badash, 1979). Tumors could be reduced or removed through direct application of radium salts. Candies and sodas were laced with radium. Radium facial creams could rejuvenate skin in women while radium baths could restore vitality in men. Radithor, radium-mixed water, was claimed to cure dyspepsia, hypertension, sexual incapacity, and several endocrinologic ailments. However, in large quantities, Radithor-intake proved lethal. Millionaire-socialite golf champion Eben Byers, after four years of consuming more than a thousand bottles of Radithor, suffered and died of acut e anemia, excessive weight loss, massive damage of his jawbone, skull, and whole skeleton, and failure of kidneys and bone-marrow (Moss & Eckhardt, 1995). Research on the radioluminous ability of radium flourished in the 1900s. In 1908, radium paint was initially developed in Germany. In 1913, America started making â€Å"glow in the dark†paint. The U.S. ... Radium Corporation, combining glue, water and radium powder to form a luminous paint, and cautiously applying it with a camel hair brush to the dials and numbers of the military devices. These women use their lips and tongue to shape their brush into a fine point. "Our instructors told us to point them with our lips. I think I pointed mine with my lips about six times to every watch dial. It didn't taste funny. It didn't have any taste, and I didn't know it was harmful," said Grace Fryer in an interview for the Daily Courier (Pfalzgray, 1928). For pranks, some women even painted their nails and teeth to surprise their boyfriends at night. Nearly all surfaces inside the factory glistened with radioluminescence. During that time, everyone knew that radium possesses curative powers. None of the women knew that the tasteless, attractive mixture could lead them to their painful deaths. The owners, company scientists and chemists were well aware of the hazards of radioactivity, thus they t ook precautionary measures in handling the material. The company even handed out leaflets to their medical staff of the dangers of radium (Neuzil & Kovarik, 1996). After three years, Grace Fryer left the factory and worked as a bank teller. In 1922, her teeth began to loosen and fall out and her jaw bone seriously decayed. No physician could diagnose the unique medical condition of Fryer. In 1925, a dentist finally suggested that she could have acquired her health problems from her previous job as radium dial painter, as his female patients with similar conditions grew in numbers. These patients were employees of dial-painting factories (Neuzil & Kovarik, 1996). A
Friday, August 23, 2019
South Africa Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
South Africa - Assignment Example In the marketing strategy, there should be the classification of the various groups who are separated by certain noticeable aspect that are peculiarly looked into for one to cut a niche in meeting every requirement of the targeted group. In doing marketing for their products then, the organization in South Africa has to consider several aspects that create distinction in the targeted groups. Amongst the main aspect that bring about difference in taste and preference that should be paid attention to includes geographic factors, demographic or the socioeconomic factors that considers occupation, age, gender, income, house hold size, and education. There are also the psychographic issues that looked into values, lifestyles, and attitudes. Behavioral segmentation also deals with such issues like degree of loyalty and occasion. One needs to understand South Africa in the context explained above in order to make reasonable influence in the marketing of a product; otherwise, the strategy wi ll not be productive ultimately. Competition In business, competition is obvious and it takes different perspectives, which include pricing strategy, packaging, and availability to the customers. In addition, other initiatives can be taken by the different manufactures that would put them ahead of the pack in galvanizing the available market for the supplementary products. To achieve this, organization needs to put extra efforts in making their products stands out in all aspects that may influence customers to opt for their products. A simple business strategy can be a competitive advantage of one company over the rest and it might make it thrive in a fiercely competitive landscape (Hawkins et al 77). In order for a business to thrive in such business environment, they have to understand the market dynamics the SWOT their main competitors so that a more conclusive approach can be taken in curving the market loyalty. If a business cannot keep with the competitors new approaches, it m ay be at risk of collapsing, the essence of business is to ensure that you cut yourself a niche in the thick of competition through the strategies following research about the market trend and progress. A business has to ensure that they understand what the customers want and that they can produce them and possible dictate what they should have. For a business to remain vibrant, it has to be full of a team that analyzes the needs of the customers and the development of the competitors so the at all the time, they can keep their competitors under checks. Distribution of Product Once the manufacturer produces the goods, they are destined to be conveyed to the final consumers through varieties of means. The choice of the distribution model is one of the most important decisions that a manufacturer should opt for in order for the realization of the expected sales. A legion of factors informs the choice of distribution mode in order to ensure maximum populations are aware of the existenc e of the product. For instance, distribution of a new product in the market may not take the normal channel that are taken by the established products that in most cases assume the conventional chain of good moving down through the whole seller to the retailer and finally to the consumer. Contrary to this, a new product always needs agent that would be paid on the commission, this is because the products needs to e demonstrated and advertised to the customers before
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Before Anyone Is Admitted Into The Military Forces Essay Example for Free
Before Anyone Is Admitted Into The Military Forces Essay Before anyone is admitted into the military forces, or positions concerning keeping the lives of other safe, they must go through a series of physical tests and training to see if they can adequately perform their duties .Physical training is done before a trainee enters and continues periodically as long as the trainee remains throughout. Physical training includes running, push-ups, sit ups, pull ups and other strenuous calisthenics. Testing is more demanding for the younger and more potent bodies, and is harder to complete. For example, young men, ages 20-29, entering police departments in Illinois are expected to do 38 sit-ups in one minute, while the men, age 50-59, are expected to only complete 24. Younger men are expected to bench press nearly 100% of their own body weight. This factor comes into key for lifting bodies; say out of dangerous situations, while older men are expected to lift only 71%. Not only does age contribute to the factor of how much training needs to be completed, but gender does as well. There are plenty of women present and working hard in military forces, and other jobs involving the safety of everyday citizens. Young women in Illinois, ages 20-29, are expected to do 32 sit-ups in one minute, women, and age 50-59, barely 14. One will notice that the requirements for the women are less demanding, to that of their male counterparts. So the argument now is: should women be expected to complete the same amount of physical training as men? To answer this question, people should consider that male and female bodies were originally evolved, or were designed to complete very different jobs, men being hunters, while women gathered small fruits and berries and tended to the home. Of course, hunting is much of physical and demanded more than picking a few berries off a nearby bush, so it required a more able body for the job. Women were not even able to participate in army forces till 1775 and the first battle ever is dated back to nearly 1479BCE. Women still were not even completing the same jobs though as the men. In 1775 they simply tended to the wounded, cooked, and cleaned, nowhere near marching side by side in combat. The first women were not even admitted into military services academy’s until 1976 and not deployed into dangerous combat zones until 1991. Therefore women should not be expected to complete the same amount of training as men. Ariel White Mrs. LaToya Brown English 102 March 8, 2015 Title: Military Fitness Testing: Should the Bar be Lowered on Women’s Standard’s? Topic: the federal government should lower physical requirement guidelines so that women may admitted into the military (or fire/police departments). Thesis: During physical testing for military positions, women should not be held to the same standards as to their male counterparts.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Purification of Alcohol Dehydrogenase From Bovine Liver
Purification of Alcohol Dehydrogenase From Bovine Liver Jekathjenani Ratnakumaran Namrata Verma Introduction: In the world of chemistry, there are millions of enzymes, but in this lab the enzyme used is bovine alcohol dehydrogenase. This enzyme occurs in various mammalian tissues, but generally found in high concentrations in the organs such as liver and kidney. According to its name Bovine alcohol dehydrogenase, which implicates that it is collectively formed from bovine (cow), alcohol and the enzyme dehydrogenase. The protein was extracted from the liver of bovine. Alcohol is an organic compound which contains carbon atom (single bonds) and hydrogen atoms. This alcohol is available in various forms of liquid and used for a variety of purposes. According to its properties, alcohol is a hydroxyl group which has a sweet odor similar to fruit. Alcohol are further divided and identified into different groups and also they are polar. As they possess hydrogen bonding they have higher boiling points. Dehydrogenase is a type of an enzyme which oxidizes a substrate by a reduction reaction that trans fers one or more hydrogen H- to the electron acceptor which is NAD+ /NADP (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) or FAD Flavin coenzyme (Shibusawa et al, 2004). Collectively, it forms alcohol dehydrogenase, which is ADH persuaded by ethanol and acetaldehyde as they relate to carbon catabolite repression. It is also zinc containing enzyme which is activated by glutathione and EDTA, which contains heavy metals (Pateman et al, 1983). Many organisms contain an alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme which catalyzes the NADPH dependent of aromatic and aliphatic aldehydes into subsequent alcohols and catalyze the reduction of glyceraldehyde to glycerol (Arslanian et al, 1971). Alcohol dehydrogenase contains a several isozymes which catalyze the oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols to convert into aldehydes and ketones (Arslanian et al, 1971). The molecular weight of this enzyme is 39677.13 Da and it is made up of 374 amino acid sequence. The monoisotopic mass of this enzyme is 39651.32 and its p H value ranges between 8.6 to 9.0 with an extension coefficient of 12.6 and an isoelectric point at 5.4, its theoretical pI is 7.46.The alcohol dehydrogenase is also known for its battle against alcohol , its toxic molecules which negotiates with the nervous system so, the body organs which consist of high toxic of alcohol are liver and stomach which converts alcohol to acetaldehyde which is even more toxic substance and further it is conversted to acetate which is utilized by the cells present within our body (Goodsell et al, 2001). So overall, alcohol dehydrogenase converts potentially dangerous molecule into food ustilized by the cells preent within the body.In human bidy, alcohol dehydrogenase can create upto nine different kinds of alcohol dehydrogenase each having different properties. For example in liver beta3 enzyme(Goodsell et al, 2001).These each enzyme is formed of two subunits and they can be mixed and match to create mixed dimerss which are more active.Alcohol dehdroge nates also modifies certain other alcohols with giving outcome of dangerous products such as methanol. These by products are converted into formaldehyde by help of alcohol dehydrogenase (Goodsell et al, 2001). Catalytic activity of alcohol dehydrogenase: NADPH + an aldehyde NADP+ + an alcohol Methods: In order to conduct this laboratory experiment, All the required apparatus and materials were provided during the lab. Certain precautions and safety rules were followed such as gloves, safety glasses and lab coat. This lab was conducted for about duration of 11-12 weeks. According to the article (Arslanian et al, 1971) most of the steps and procedure was followed. Purification of the enzyme was carried out by following up eight steps. Precautions were made while the experiment was performed. Equipments were rinsed with distilled water before starting the experiment. The reagent and buffer solution were prepared with distilled water. All procedures were carried out at 0-40C. Buffer Preparation: The first step involved in the buffer preparation. The stock solution, 0.1M Tris HCl at pH 7.6 was prepared by dissolving 12.14 g of Tris base with 1000 ml of distilled water and the pH was adjusted to 7.6 by adding diluted HCl. The Tris HCl buffer solution with different concentrations such as 10mM (pH 7.5), 40mM (pH 7.6) and 50mM (pH 7.5) were prepared by diluting the stock solution with distilled water. Sodium Chloride elutant buffer (0.16M NaCl) was prepared by dissolving 9.3504 g of NaCl with 1000 ml of distilled water. Preparation of Homogenate: The second step involved the preparation of the homogenate. The bovine liver was homogenized in a Waring blender in 90 ml of 0.32 M sucrose in 10mM Tris HCl buffer at pH 7.5. Approximately 27.39 g of sucrose was added in 250 ml of 0.01M Tris HCl to make 0.32M sucrose in 10mM of Tris HCl at pH 7.5. The homogenate was centrifuged at 15000 RPM for 30 minutes using centrifuge-Sorvall RC5 refrigerated centrifuge SS 34. Ammonium Sulfate Fractionation: Step three involved ammonium sulfate fractionation. The homogenate was 35% saturated and equilibrated with ammonium sulfate by dissolving 20.9 g of ammonium sulfate in 250 ml of distilled water. The supernatant was centrifuged at 15000 RPM for 30 minutes and the precipitate was discarded. Then, concentration was increased to 60% saturated ammonium sulfate by dissolving 16.4 g in 500 ml of distilled water. The suspension was centrifuged at 15000 RPM for 30 minutes. The obtained gray pellet was dissolved in 40mM Tris HCl buffer at pH 7.6. Then, the solution was dialyzed against 2L of 0.04M Tris HCl at pH 7.6 for 24 hours and again dialyzed with same buffer for another 24 hours. Performing DEAE-Sepharose Chromatography: The fourth step involved DEAE-Sephrose Chromatography. DEAE-Sepharose column that can hold up to 10ml volume was applied. The column was equilibrated by applying four times of 10ml of 40mM of Tris HCl, pH 7.6 buffer. About 10ml volume of centrifuged and dialyzed material was applied through the column. The column was washed with the same buffer (40mM of Tris HCl, pH 7.6) and then eluted by 40mM of Tris HCl with 50mM of NaCl. About 1 ml volume of twenty fractions of enzyme solution was collected using microfuge tubes. Enzyme Activity Assay: Fifth step involved measuring enzyme activity using a spectrometer. The enzymatic activity was initiated with 1mL of volume of blank solution containing 20  µl of distilled water, 10  µl 33mM of ethanol, 10  µl of 0.26mM of NAD+ and 960  µl of 0.1M of glycine buffer. Enzymatic assay activity was measured by taking total volume of 1000  µl containing 20 µl of enzyme solution, 10  µl 33mM of ethanol, 10  µl of 0.26mM of NAD+ and 960  µl of 0.1M of glycine buffer. The wavelength was set up at 340nm and measured using Cary 50s and 60s spectrometer. One unit of activity equals 1 µmol NADH produced per min based on the absorption coefficient of 6220 mol/l/cm for NADH at 340 nm. The above procedure was repeated for kinetic analysis and the range of ethanol concentration used was 20 to 25 mM. The observed data were fitted using Lineweaver -Burk kinetic plots. Gel filtration: The sixth step involved gel filtration. The enzyme was precipitated by 62% saturated ammonium sulfate and dissolve in 10ml of 50 M Tris-HCl, pH 7.5. The suspension was centrifuged for 20 min at 10000 RPM. Then, the column of Sephadex G-50 was run with 10 ml of enzyme solution. The column was equilibrated and washed with 50 M Tris- HCl buffer, pH 7.5. Then, the column was eluted by 50mM of Tris HCl with 50mM of NaCl. Around 10 fractions were collected at the rate of 1 ml/min in a microfuge tube. The highest highest specific activity fractions were precipitated by 62% saturation with ammonium sulfate. In the final step, the enzyme was redissolved in 5 ml of same buffer and apply to the column of Sephadex G-50 under the same conditions. Again, the highest specific activity fractions were precipitated by 62% saturation with ammonium sulfate. Performing CM-Sephadex chromatography: The precipitated enzyme was dissolved in 1 ml of potassium phosphate buffer contain 0.02M of NaCl, pH 7.0 and the enzyme solution was dialyzed against the same buffer for 2 hours. 10ml of non diffusible material was applied to a CM-Sephadex column. Then, the column was equilibrated with the same buffer. Then, the enzyme was eluted from the column with two column volumes of 0.16 M of NaCl (20ml). 10 fractions were collected and precipitated with 62% saturated ammonium sulfate. Bradford Assay: The eighth step involved Bradford Assay. The data (absorbance) observed from Bradford Assay Standards was used for calculating the mass of BSA in  µg. The final step used in this experiment was SDS PAGE method. About 20 µl of enzyme with loading buffer was loaded on the gel and by observing the gel, the mass of the protein was calculated. Results: Bovine Alcohol Dehydrogenase (ADH) was purified by following up few methods. The experimental results were observed and recorded for appropriate methods. Using DEAE Sepharose Chromatography, fractions were collected and all the fractions were appeared colorless. The enzymatic assay activity was measured at 340nm using spectrometer. The figure 1 indicates that the enzyme activity was increased by absorbing the NADH. The highest specific activity was selected based on the graph obtained in the enzyme kinetic activity. However, this method failed, resulting no increased activity. The enzyme kinetic activity had done for all the fractions, but none of them shown the accurate result. The graph obtained from the spectrometer does not show the increased activity of the enzyme to conclude the presence of protein. The result of the enzyme activities of collecting fractions was shown in figure 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 respectively. However, the Bradford assay method was performed and the absorbance of the standards and the enzyme were recorded in the following tables. Based on these values, the graph of standard curve of absorbance versus mass of BSA was plotted. Table 1: The following table represents the recorded values of absorbance at 540 nm and calculated the mass of the BSA using the Bradford assay method Figure 1: Represents the enzymatic activity obtained from the purified protein ADH after ammonium fractionation method had performed and the peaks are showing that activity is increased. The above plot was obtained at 340 nm using Cary 50s-60s spectrometer and it was run as two parts for 4 minutes. Figure 2: Represents the standard curve of A595 versus mass of ADH protein obtained from the Bradford assay method. From the slope value obtained from the curve, the mass of the ADH protein was calculated. The mass of the protein calculated from the figure 2 is 4.766  µg and concentration of the protein is 4.766  µg / 25  µl SDS-PAGE method: Table 2: Represents the recorded values of SDS-PAGE method for the determination of molecular weight of the ADH purified protein Protein Molecular weight (Dalton) Log (Molecular Weight) Mobility (cm) Strand 1 60000 4.778 4.8 Strand 2 50000 4.699 5.1 Strand 3 40000 4.602 6.5 Strand 4 25000 4.398 7.0 Strand 5 20000 4.301 9.3 Figure 3: Represents the SDS-PAGE analysis of purified protein bovine Alcohol Dehydrogenase (ADH). The graph was plotted with log of molecular weight versus mobility of protein based on the SDS-PAGE values. Figure 4: Represents the single band on an SDS-PAGE gel (9th lane). This figure shown the proof of the protein ADH present in the enzyme solution and mass of the protein was calculated based on the obtained SDS-PAGE results. From the figure 3 and 4, the mass of the protein calculated is 345143.74 Da Figure 5: Represents the enzymatic activity obtained in the fraction 9th of the purified protein ADH and the peaks are obtained at 340 nm using Cary 50s-60s spectrometer. Figure 6: Represents the enzymatic activity obtained in the fraction 10th of the purified protein ADH and the peaks are obtained at 340 nm using Cary 50s-60s spectrometer. Figure 7: Represents the enzymatic activity obtained in the fraction 12th of the purified protein ADH and the peaks are obtained at 340 nm using Cary 50s-60s spectrometer. Figure 8: Represents the enzymatic activity obtained in the fraction 13th of the purified protein ADH and the peaks are obtained at 340 nm using Cary 50s-60s spectrometer. Figure 9: Represents the enzymatic activity obtained in the fraction 14th of the purified protein ADH and the peaks are obtained at 340 nm using Cary 50s-60s spectrometer. Discussion: According to the experimental study, the outcome results were not satisfying, so overall the experiment was not successful it failed. Based on the SDS-PAGE, ADH purified protein was not much visible clearly on the gel. Proteins are viewed as bands. SDS-PAGE results indicates that smaller protein molecules are at the bottom of the gel and larger molecules are at the top of the gel. This is showing that SDS-PAGE gel separate the protein molecules based on the size and mass of the protein. Most of the protein bands are viewed in between the molecular weight, 100 kDa and 30 kDa. Determining mass and purifying the protein, Bovine Alcohol Dehydrogenase using the Bradford assay and SDS-PAGE procedure was conducted successfully using this experiment. The result obtained in the SDS-PAGE and Bradford Assay are differ from the standard value and the concentration of the protein was determined using these methods. Based on the molecular mass on the EXPASY website, the standard molecular mass of the ADH protein is 39677.13 Da. The experimental mass of the ADH protein is 345143.74 Da. The mass difference is a large number. This could occur due to the experimental errors. The experimental errors can be avoided by handling equipments and following the instructions in a proper manner. Predicting the protein band on SDS-PAGE gel could cause the error. Moreover, the purification method such as DEAE Sepharose Chromatography was performed to test the enzyme activity of the protein. The obtained results are shown as a figure 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in the results section. The overall results obtained in these figures indicated that the experiment was not turned successful. The figure 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 shown that enzyme activities are decreasing and wiggling. They are not constantly increasing or decreasing. Therefore, it was concluded that the purification of the enzyme was not turned positive and it could be due to the human errors occurred while conducting the experiment. This could be po ssible due to various reasons such as, during measurements for making the solution at the very beginning may be the concentration required was not appropriate, due to human error it was not properly mixed. It could also be possible that while grinding the liver , certain chunks of the liver were still not properly collected due to which the amount of liver used was not effective to obtain supportive and positive results.The variability of the results presented here is loss of certain atoms during the process of purification as their was no enzyme activity observed.The substrate studies of the alcohol dehydrogenase isolated from the bovine liver have demonstrated the hydrophobic site for binding alcohol (Arslanian et al, 1971). The article mentioned that the buffer that has a low ionic strength is used for the enzyme adsorbtion which caused the incomplete deactivation of enzymes and it was proven evidently (Arslanian et al, 1971). Moreover, as there is no enzyme activity measured in step 5 (DEAE- Sephrose Chromatography), the gel filtration and CM-Sephadex Chromatography method was not performed for this study. The enzyme purification might get succeeded if the study has performed these two methods. The article mentioned that gel filtrations on Sephadex G-100 has successive ability to separate the enzyme from non enzyme protein (Arslanian et al, 1971.) For further studies, more information is required before conducting the study as well as the time allotted was less, due to which it could suggest certain results and test were not done at the appropriate time. In conclusion, the study was conducted by following the method listed in the article. This studys report discussed the properties and successful method for the purification of enzyme, Bovine Alcohol Dehydrogenase. Even though article procedures were followed, errors occurred which resulted in deviations in results. However, the methods of Gel filtration and CM Sephadex Chromatography where successive but could not be conducted in this lab because the enzyme activity was limited after DEAE Chromatography was performed. More caution should have gained while conducting the experiment. It is emphasized that further research on enzyme purification method could improve the results and find success in the study. Appendix: Sample calculation 1: Volume of one microliter= 0.001mL Volume of 20 microliter= (0.001 ml x 20  µL) / 1  µL = 0.02 ml Therefore, mass of protein in 1mL of stock solution= 0.10 mg Mass of protein in 0.02 ml of stock solution = (0.10 mg x 0.02 ml) / 1 ml = 2 x 10-3 mg To convert mg to  µL, multiply by 1000, Mass of protein= 2 x 10-3 x 1000 = 2  µg Absorbance of the ADH purified Protein, y = 0.2544 Slope Line of equation: Y=mx+b Y= 0.0505 x + 0.0137 0.2544 = 0.0505 x + 0.0137 The mass of the protein, x = (0.2544 0.0137) /0.0505  µg = 4.766  µg Concentration of the protein, C = mass/ volume = 4.766  µg / 25  µl = 0.19  µg/  µl Total mass that recovered= Conc. X Total volume = 0.19 x 1000  µl = 190.64  µg SDS- PAGE method: Absorbance of the ADH purified Protein, y = 0.2544 Slope Line of equation: Y= mx+b Y= 6.0902 x + 33.982 0.2544= 6.0902 x + 33.982 X= (0.2544 33.982) / 6.0902 = 5.538 The mass of the protein = 105.538 = 345143.74 Da References: Arslanian,M.J., Pascoe,E,. and Reinhold,J.G., (1971) Rat Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase.Dept. of Biochem.School of Medicine, American University of Beirut.125,1039-1047. Alcohol Dehydrogenase(ADH)The university of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database.Calzyme. Shibusawa,Y.,Fujiwara,T.,Shindo,H., andIto,Y. (2004) Purification of alcohol dehydrogenase from bovine liver crude extract by dye-ligand affinity counter-current chromatography, J. Chromatogr. B. Analyt. Technol. Biomed. Life Sci.799(2):239-44. Pateman,J.A., Doy,C.H.,Olsen,J.E.,Norris,U., Creaser. E.H., and Hynes,M.(1983) Regulation of Alcohol Dehydrogenase (ADH) and Aldehyde Dehydrogenase (ALDDH) in Aspergillus nidulans.Proceedings of the Royal society.Bio.Sci.217, 243-264. Ward,W.W., and Swiatek,G.,(2009) Protein purification.The state University,, Scool of Environmental and Biology Science,Department of Biochem. And Microbio.76,1- 21. Goodsell,D.(2001) Alcohol Dehydrogenase.Molecule if the month. RCSB.Protein Data Bank.doi: 10.2210.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The High Performance Concrete Construction Essay
The High Performance Concrete Construction Essay Concrete admixtures Construction materials Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Introduction The High-performance concrete (HPC) is a mixture of many materials usually 5-10. The interaction between these materials is the reason of the various workability cases, and also the different ratios and portions added causes this variability. Testing the concrete is not the best solution for examining the workability properties, The testing process of the concrete need huge number of labor and materials, which is not cheap. There is, therefore, a need to predict the workability of concrete through a simpler, cheaper laboratory approach. Concrete workability is de ¬Ã‚ ned, according to American Concrete Institute (ACI), as the ease of placement of concrete and is usually quanti ¬Ã‚ ed by the result of the slump cone test. Rheological tests on cement paste were used to select the type and dosage of mineral admixtures that improved concrete workability. The conclusions reached based on cement paste tests were validated by concrete slump tests. It was also deemed interesting to compare the fundamental parameters (yield stress and viscosity) measured with a  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡uid rheometer with the results from two commonly used empirical tests, the minislump and the Marsh cone tests. If a relationship could be established, the empirical tests could be used to design materials for a given yield stress and viscosity or, at the very least, rank different materials base on yield stress or viscosity. The decision to study the in ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡uence of mineral admixtures was dictated by the recent increase in use of mineral admixtures for improved concrete durability. Economics (lower cement requirement) and environmental considerations have also had a role in the growth of mineral admixture usage. The lower cement requir ement also leads to a reduction for carbon dioxide generated by the production of cement, while the use of a mineral admixture utilizes a product that would ordinarily be bound for the land  ¬Ã‚ ll. Thus, there is a double environmental bene ¬Ã‚ t from using mineral admixtures. Chapter 2: Literature review Background Concrete workability characterization Concrete workability cannot necessarily be sacri ¬Ã‚ ced for improved hardened properties, such as durability or strength. Workability is typically quanti ¬Ã‚ ed in the  ¬Ã‚ eld by the result of the slump cone tet. Nevertheless, a survey conducted by the National Ready-Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) determined that, for I-IPC, the slump cone value is not representative of the ease of handling HPC in the  ¬Ã‚ eld. It was reported that concrete mixtures with the same slump might not behave the same way during placement. This implies that the slump value does not give enough data to fully characterize concrete  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ow. In the construction  ¬Ã‚ eld, terms like workability,  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡owability, and cohesion are used, sometimes interchangeably, to describe the behavior of concrete under  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ow. The de ¬Ã‚ nitions of these terms are very subjective. Therefore, there is a need for a more  ¬Ã‚ rndamental and quantitative description of concrete  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ow. Rheological measurements of concentrated suspensions can be used to describe the  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ow of concrete. Numerous researchers have success ¬Ã‚ rlly used the Bingharn equation. Two parameters de ¬Ã‚ ne the  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ow: yield stress and plastic viscosity. Yield stress is related to slump, but plastic viscosity is usually ignored because only a few type of instruments exist to measure it. However, the viscosity may be related to properties such as stickiness, p1aceability,pumpability, and  ¬Ã‚ nishability. In addition, segregation could be de ¬Ã‚ ned as the ability of the aggregate to migrate (or sink) in the cement pa ste. This phenomenon is linked to the viscosity of the cement paste and the concrete mixture design. Therefore, methods to predict concrete workability need to take into account more than just the yield stress. What are Admixtures? Admixture is a material or a combination of different materials that are added to the concrete during mixing to enhance a property or more properties of the concrete mix, and providing it with new features that suits the need either if it is made by central batching plants, pre-stressed concrete factories or in-site mixing. Admixtures may enhance the workability, durability or strength of concrete. They can also be used to overcome extreme circumstances such as cold or hot weather w lower water-cement ratio. Admixtures are materials other than the main concrete mix components (water, cement, aggregate) which means that the admixture is added to the mixing water before or during the mixing process to give the concrete the needed properties, taking into consideration that there are some admixtures are added after a certain duration after mixing. Admixtures are divided into 2 types according to origin: chemical admixtures and mineral admixtures. Chemical admixtures They are materials that are found as fine particles or liquid and are added to the concrete to enhance it and give precise properties that are unobtainable in plain concrete mixtures. Usually, admixture quantities are not more than 5% of the mass of cement and are put into the concrete at the period of mixing. Public kinds of admixtures are. Accelerators that increase the speed of the hardening of the concrete. Normal materials utilized are calcium chloride, calcium nitrate and sodium nitrate. However, using chlorides could cause rust in the steel underpinning and it is banned in a some states, so nitrates are recommended. Retarders sluggish the hardening of the concrete and are utilized in colossal or tough dispenses whereas partial setting before the dispense is finished is undesirable. Normal polyol retarders are sugar, sucrose, sodium gluconate, glucose, citric acid, and tartaric acid. Air entrainments makes very small air bubbles inside the concrete during the batching process. It helps in protecting it from the harm made by frequent freezing and defrosting cycles. It also makes better workability, better consistency, less segregation and less bleeding. More than 80% of concrete pavements in the USA are made of air-entrained admixtures. Entrapped air, are huge air voids while entrained air, are very small voids range from 10 to 1000 micrometers. The admixture may be a liquid added during mixing or a powder mixed with the cement. Plasticizers raise the workability of the fresh concrete permitting it be easily placed, without joining efforts. Plasticizers can be utilized to decrease the content of water of concrete as keeping the workability, thats why they are called sometimes water-reducers. This action improves its strength and durability properties. Super plasticizers (Also known as High Range Water Reducers HRWR) They have the ability to reduce the amount of water needed for the concrete by 12-40% of the needed water. They produce concrete with the same workability but with lower water content ratio, they are also used to make highly flowable concrete. HRWR made out of polyether-polycarboxylates have higher efficiency and are used more widely. HRWR are added often in the site because of its low workability period, it increases the time of setting but increases the flowability for a longer period. Concrete that have HRWR in it has higher strength than that predicted by water content ratio, as the water content is not high so the permeability and shrinkage are lowered but the durability is increased. Corrosion inhibitors: rusting of steel reinforcement is a huge problem that encounters the durability of the reinforced concrete structures, from the causesof rusting of steel are the chlorides, they come from many sources like the deicing salts used to melt ice in winter or from sea water or they may come from the admixtures. From the ways of resisting the rust resulting from chloride is the use of corrosion inhibitors admixtures, they are added to the concrete during mixing to protect the steel by delaying the debut of rusting and also decrease the rate of rusting after it starts. They last for many years after the setting of concrete. Mineral admixtures There are inorganic materials having pozzolanic characteristics. These extremely fine-grained materials are added to the concrete mixture to enhance the properties of concrete or as a substitute for the cement, they decrease cost, permeability, enhance the strength and change other concrete characteristics, from the types of mineral admixtures are: Fly ash: A by-product of electrical coal-fired producing plants and can vary according to source; it is utilized to partly substitute the cement. The particles of fly ash are made of spherical glassy particles, its use has started in the USA in the 1930s, tests has proven that concrete can be replaced by one third with fly ash. Experiments made on high strength concrete has shown that its strength levels were up to 100 MPa at age of one year. Air-entrainment admixtures maybe required because of the carbon inside the fly ash. Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS or GGBS): is a product of made when the molten iron is put rapidly in water to decrease its temperature, it is crystalline shaped granular product of high adhesion, and so it be work as a substitute for part of the cement, the most favorable ratio is 50% of the cement if there is no salts and 25% if there is. Silica fume: A by-product aims to achieve both high strength and low permeability requirements made out of the creation of silicon and ferrosilicon alloys. Silica fume is compared to fly ash. The size of its particle is smaller by 100 times. This makes a higher ratio between surface and volume and a way faster reaction. Silica fume is utilized to raise the concrete strength and durability, but usually superplastisizers are needed for the workability. High reactivity Metakaolin (HRM): the concrete made using metakaolin has the same strength and durability of the concrete made using silica fume. As silica fume is normally dark gray or black in color, high-reactivity metakaolin is normally brilliant white in color, creating it the favored choice for architectural concrete whereas emergence is important. Types of Admixtures 1. Air entraining admixtures They are liquid chemicals that are added to the concrete during mixing to produce small air bubbles that are called entrained air. The air helps the concrete to resist the damage made by thawing, freezing and deicing salt. In hard concrete, the air enhances workability and decreases the bleeding and the segregation. Air entrainment is not important for the concrete used inside the structures as it is not exposed to either freezing or thawing, It ought to be evaded for concrete flatwork that have a flat troweled finish. In high cement content concretes, entrained will cut strength by 5% for every single 1% of air added; but in low cement content concretes, adding air has less result and could even cause a humble increased strength due to decreased water demand for needed slump. 2. Water reducers Are utilized for two purposes: (1) to decrease the water content in plastic concrete and rise its strength; (2) to attain higher slump without the need of adding water. Water-reducers will usually cut the needed water content of a concrete combination for a given slump. These admixtures disperse the cement particles in concrete and create extra ef ¬Ã‚ cient use of cement. This rises strength or permits the cement content to be decreased as maintaining the alike strength. Water-reducers are utilized to rise slump of concrete lacking adding water and are functional for impelling concrete and in hot meteorological conditions to offset the increased water demand. A little water-reducers could aggravate the rate of slump defeat alongside time. Mid-range water reducers are nowadays usually utilized and they have a larger skill to cut the water content. These admixtures are accepted as they enhance the finishability of concrete  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡atwork. 3. Retarders Are chemicals that postpone the early hardening of concrete by an hour or more. Retarders are regularly used in hot climatic conditions to counter the quick hardening caused by elevated temperatures. For colossal jobs, or in hot climate, specify concrete alongside retarder to permit extra period for pumping and  ¬Ã‚ nishing. Most retarders additionally work as reducers. 4. Accelerators Reduce the early hardening period of concrete and give higher strength after small period. They do not work as an antifreeze; they decrease the time of the hardening and rate of strength increase, thus the concrete would be stronger to endure damage from cold in chilly weather. Accelerators are additionally utilized in fast trail assembly that needs early removal of forms. Accelerating admixtures consists of two types: chloride and non-chloride based. One of the extra competent and frugal is calcium chloride that is obtainable in fluid or  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ake form. For non-reinforced concrete, The CaCl can be utilized to an amount of 2% by the heaviness of the cement due to worries of corrosion of reinforcement instigated by Cl. Pre-stressed concrete and concrete that have aluminum or invigorated metal inside it ought not to have chloride-based materials because of the increased possibility for the rusting of the metal. Non-chloride established accelerators are utilized whereas there is fear of rusting of embedded metals or concrete reinforcement. 5. HIGH RANGE WATER-REDUCERS (HRWR) It is a distinct type of water-reducer. Also known as, super plasticizers, HRWRs decrease the water content of a concrete mix by 12% to 25%. HRWRs are consequently utilized to raise the strength and decrease permeability of concrete by decreasing the water content in the mix; or considerably raise the slump to make  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡owing concrete lacking the addition of any extra water. These admixtures are vital for elevated strength and enhanced concrete mixes that have higher contents of adhesive materials and mixes having silica fume. Beside these kinds of admixtures, there are other materials obtainable for improving concrete characteristics for different types of applications. These products include rust resistors; admixtures that decrease shrinkage, anti-washout admixtures, and admixtures to decrease possibility for alkali aggregate reactivity, admixtures that helps pumping and a collection of colors and products that improves the concrete aesthetics. Fly Ash 1 Production Fly ash is a bi-product resulted from the finely divided residues generated from the combustion of coal electrically in thermal power plants; the dust collection system removes the fly ash, as a fine particulate residue, from the combustion gases before they are discharged into the atmosphere. The particles are finer than cement usually and consist off spherical glassy particles. 2 Properties Permeability The fly ash reacts with the calcium hydroxide chemically during the hydration process forming calcium aluminate and calcium silicate hydrate which decreases the risk of infiltration of calcium hydroxide and the permeability of concrete. The fly ash enhances the permeability of concrete also by decreasing the ratio of water to cement, which decreases the volume of pores. Its spherical shape also enhances the consolidation of concrete which reduces permeability. Use Fly ash has a spherical shape that allows it to create a ball bearing effect in the mix which improves the workability without increasing the water and also helps in increasing the pump-ability by decreasing the friction between the concrete and the pump line. It also increases the concrete pump-ability by increasing its cohesion and making it less subject to segregation. It also increases the gaining of strength of mixes for periods much longer than that of Portland cement only. The most important use of fly ash is that it increases the life cycle expectancy and durability. It also increases the resistance of corrosion of concrete reinforcement. Fly ash is used in concrete by replacing a portion of the Portland cement that may goes up to 30% of the total cement mix.
Monday, August 19, 2019
La liberté de lhomme :: essays research papers
Comme nous l'avons vu en classe, la science et la foi sont divisà ©s profondà ©ment dans notre socià ©tà ©. Les scientifiques rejettent, de faà §on assez gà ©nà ©rale tout ce dont touche à la foi. De leur part, les religieux s'en prennent aux scientifiques pour leurs tentatives de tout expliquer de manià ¨re rationnelle et scientifique. Dans cet article, Pierre Karli essaie de mettre au point les diffà ©rences fondamentales dans le dà ©bat entre la science et la foi, tout en essayant de rapprocher les deux. Il traà ®te d'abord de la science et de la foi de faà §on catà ©gorique, oà ¹ il indique ce dont nous apporte chacun ainsi que les "collusions" dont il voit entre la foi et le pouvoir politique et entre la science et le pouvoir politique. Il saute ensuite vers une discussion de l'à ªtre humain et la question de l'"instinct d'agression" pour finalement tomber sur une discussion du dà ©bat autour de la libertà © de l'homme. Les diffà ©rences entre la science et la foi ont à ©tà © dà ©battues pendant longtemps. Les scientifiques rejettent toute notion d'un Dieu crà ©ateur, puisqu'ils sont incapables de prouver de faà §on concrà ¨te son existence. Les religieux critiquent les scientifiques de toujours rationaliser et d'essayer de tout mesurer. Par exemple, comment peut-on mesurer l'amour? Les scientifiques peuvent-ils tout de mà ªme nier l'existence de cette force, cette à ©motion? De la part des religieux et croyants, le cas est de mà ªme pour Dieu. Karli dit qu'on ne peut pas comparer ces deux aspects par contre, puisqu'ils ne sont pas semblables. Le problà ¨me se retrouve que les religieux se servent d'une approche religieuse pour examiner la science. De l'inverse pour les scientifiques à l'à ©gard de la religion. Mais ces deux champs ne peuvent pas à ªtre examinà ©s de la mà ªme manià ¨re. C'est ici que provient les affrontements entre les deux. La science se sert de raison pour pouvoir dà ©crire, mesurer et dà ©montrer. Les scientifiques essaient de tout mesurer, dà ©crire et dà ©montrer, mais arrivent à un mur lorsqu'ils regardent des aspects mystiques ou religieux. La science, elle, nous permet une meilleure connaissance du monde et de notre relation avec celle-ci. De son cà ´tà ©, la foi est "l'adà ©sion à une và ©rità © rà ©và ©là ©e, donnà ©e entià ¨re dà ¨s le dà ©part, et qui rà ©pond à un besoin de transcendence, d'absolu." (Karli, p. 138) Elle nous dit ce qu'on doit faire dans la vie pour doter celle-ci d'un sens, d'une raison d'à ªtre. Mais pour Karli, ces deux ne sont pas mutuellement exclusifs comme nous le ferait croire les participants des deux champs. Karli, comme d'autres thà ©ologiens et religieux(Teilhard de Chardin, l'abbà © Laflamme1 entre autres) essaie de reconcilier la science et la religion. La libertà © de l'homme :: essays research papers Comme nous l'avons vu en classe, la science et la foi sont divisà ©s profondà ©ment dans notre socià ©tà ©. Les scientifiques rejettent, de faà §on assez gà ©nà ©rale tout ce dont touche à la foi. De leur part, les religieux s'en prennent aux scientifiques pour leurs tentatives de tout expliquer de manià ¨re rationnelle et scientifique. Dans cet article, Pierre Karli essaie de mettre au point les diffà ©rences fondamentales dans le dà ©bat entre la science et la foi, tout en essayant de rapprocher les deux. Il traà ®te d'abord de la science et de la foi de faà §on catà ©gorique, oà ¹ il indique ce dont nous apporte chacun ainsi que les "collusions" dont il voit entre la foi et le pouvoir politique et entre la science et le pouvoir politique. Il saute ensuite vers une discussion de l'à ªtre humain et la question de l'"instinct d'agression" pour finalement tomber sur une discussion du dà ©bat autour de la libertà © de l'homme. Les diffà ©rences entre la science et la foi ont à ©tà © dà ©battues pendant longtemps. Les scientifiques rejettent toute notion d'un Dieu crà ©ateur, puisqu'ils sont incapables de prouver de faà §on concrà ¨te son existence. Les religieux critiquent les scientifiques de toujours rationaliser et d'essayer de tout mesurer. Par exemple, comment peut-on mesurer l'amour? Les scientifiques peuvent-ils tout de mà ªme nier l'existence de cette force, cette à ©motion? De la part des religieux et croyants, le cas est de mà ªme pour Dieu. Karli dit qu'on ne peut pas comparer ces deux aspects par contre, puisqu'ils ne sont pas semblables. Le problà ¨me se retrouve que les religieux se servent d'une approche religieuse pour examiner la science. De l'inverse pour les scientifiques à l'à ©gard de la religion. Mais ces deux champs ne peuvent pas à ªtre examinà ©s de la mà ªme manià ¨re. C'est ici que provient les affrontements entre les deux. La science se sert de raison pour pouvoir dà ©crire, mesurer et dà ©montrer. Les scientifiques essaient de tout mesurer, dà ©crire et dà ©montrer, mais arrivent à un mur lorsqu'ils regardent des aspects mystiques ou religieux. La science, elle, nous permet une meilleure connaissance du monde et de notre relation avec celle-ci. De son cà ´tà ©, la foi est "l'adà ©sion à une và ©rità © rà ©và ©là ©e, donnà ©e entià ¨re dà ¨s le dà ©part, et qui rà ©pond à un besoin de transcendence, d'absolu." (Karli, p. 138) Elle nous dit ce qu'on doit faire dans la vie pour doter celle-ci d'un sens, d'une raison d'à ªtre. Mais pour Karli, ces deux ne sont pas mutuellement exclusifs comme nous le ferait croire les participants des deux champs. Karli, comme d'autres thà ©ologiens et religieux(Teilhard de Chardin, l'abbà © Laflamme1 entre autres) essaie de reconcilier la science et la religion.
Educating Rita :: English Literature
Educating Rita Willy Russell’s play â€Å"Educating Rita†only uses one main setting and two main characters. Some people may think that these would make the play seem boring. Russell actually makes the play quite interesting and entertaining by using dramatic devices such as the whiskey bottle and the telephone call. He does this to give us as much information as possible about the characters and their personalities. The play, which is set in the early 1980s, deals with the clashes between education and culture. It is about a middle-aged university lecturer called Frank. He is currently in a relationship with Julia. This relationship is not going too well as Frank is an alcoholic and would much rather go to the pub than go home to Julia. There is also Rita a 26-year-old woman who didn’t have a good education when she left school due to her parents’ working class background. She is now keen and eager to learn even though her husband Denny thinks that it is time for her to settle down and have children. Rita has set her sights higher than this. Rita is currently working as a hairdresser, but wants to achieve so much more than that, she wants an education. We get an idea of what sort of personality Frank has got by the conversation he has with Julia when she calls him to see when he was coming home. Although Frank had other Ideas, he was planning on going to the pub. We could see this by, â€Å" Yes I shall go to the pub†and â€Å"I don’t need determination to get me to the pub†. We get the impression that Frank does not care a great deal about Julia although it’s clear she loves him. When Frank was told that he was going to be tutoring Rita who is an open university student he was not very happy, the only reason he had took the job was so that he could make more money to spend on alcohol. Frank guessed that she was going to be â€Å"some silly woman†. This gives us the impression that Frank likes to use stereotypes and thinks that there is not much point. He soon realises that Rita has quite a lot to offer in regard to he uniqueness. The Playwright Russell wants to show how class affects education. When we first meet Rita we see that she is not the normal student Frank was expecting. She swears and uses informal colloquial language. This makes us think that Rita is not at all nervous about starting Open University and also makes her working class background obvious.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Peer Pressure Begins in Childhood :: Peer Pressure Essays
Peer group influences affect children much earlier than researchers have suspected, finds a new University of Maryland-led study. The researchers say it provides a wake-up call to parents and educators to look out for undue group influences, cliquishness and biases that might set in early, the researchers say. The study appears in the May/June 2013 issue of Child Development, and is available online. The researchers say their work represents a new line of research – what they call "group dynamics of childhood." No prior research has investigated what children think about challenging groups that act in ways that are unfair or nontraditional, they note. The findings refute an older view that conflicts between group loyalty and fairness are not yet part of elementary-school aged children's everyday interactions. "This is not just an adolescent issue," says University of Maryland developmental psychologist Melanie Killen, the study's lead researcher. "Peer group pressure begins in elementary schools, as early as age nine. It's what kids actually encounter there on any given day." Even at this earlier age, children show moral independence and will stand up to the group, Killen adds. But it is also a setting where the seeds of group prejudices can develop, if not checked. "Parents and teachers often miss children's nascent understanding of group dynamics, as well as kids' willingness to buck to the pressure," Killen explains. Children begin to figure out the costs and consequences of resisting peer group pressure early. By adolescence, they find it only gets more complicated." The emergence of peer groups in elementary school aids children's development by providing positive friendships, relationships, and social support, Killen adds. The downsides include the undue influence of a group when it imposes unfair standards, especially on outsiders, or members of "outgroups," which is what is often created when peers form an "ingroup." "Children may need help from adults when they face conflicts between loyalty to the group and fairness to outsiders," Killen says. "They may be struggling to 'do the right thing' and still stay on good terms with friends in the group, but not know how. If a child shows discomfort and anxiety about spending time with friends, this may signal conflicts in their peer group relationships." The researchers conducted extended interviews and surveys with representative groups of fourth- and eighth-graders from a Mid-Atlantic suburban area. All were from middle income families and reflected U.S. ethnic backgrounds. They probed attitudes on a moral issue – dividing up resources equally for those in and out of the group, and on a question of tradition (group t-shirts). Peer Pressure Begins in Childhood :: Peer Pressure Essays Peer group influences affect children much earlier than researchers have suspected, finds a new University of Maryland-led study. The researchers say it provides a wake-up call to parents and educators to look out for undue group influences, cliquishness and biases that might set in early, the researchers say. The study appears in the May/June 2013 issue of Child Development, and is available online. The researchers say their work represents a new line of research – what they call "group dynamics of childhood." No prior research has investigated what children think about challenging groups that act in ways that are unfair or nontraditional, they note. The findings refute an older view that conflicts between group loyalty and fairness are not yet part of elementary-school aged children's everyday interactions. "This is not just an adolescent issue," says University of Maryland developmental psychologist Melanie Killen, the study's lead researcher. "Peer group pressure begins in elementary schools, as early as age nine. It's what kids actually encounter there on any given day." Even at this earlier age, children show moral independence and will stand up to the group, Killen adds. But it is also a setting where the seeds of group prejudices can develop, if not checked. "Parents and teachers often miss children's nascent understanding of group dynamics, as well as kids' willingness to buck to the pressure," Killen explains. Children begin to figure out the costs and consequences of resisting peer group pressure early. By adolescence, they find it only gets more complicated." The emergence of peer groups in elementary school aids children's development by providing positive friendships, relationships, and social support, Killen adds. The downsides include the undue influence of a group when it imposes unfair standards, especially on outsiders, or members of "outgroups," which is what is often created when peers form an "ingroup." "Children may need help from adults when they face conflicts between loyalty to the group and fairness to outsiders," Killen says. "They may be struggling to 'do the right thing' and still stay on good terms with friends in the group, but not know how. If a child shows discomfort and anxiety about spending time with friends, this may signal conflicts in their peer group relationships." The researchers conducted extended interviews and surveys with representative groups of fourth- and eighth-graders from a Mid-Atlantic suburban area. All were from middle income families and reflected U.S. ethnic backgrounds. They probed attitudes on a moral issue – dividing up resources equally for those in and out of the group, and on a question of tradition (group t-shirts).
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Checkpoint: Financial Management Goals Essay
It is sometimes suggested that the most important goal for financial management is to earn the highest possible profit for the company. However, the key is to use that in setting a goal for the firm. The main measure of performance is how the earnings are valued by the investor. It is important to an investor how the firm’s earnings have increased or decrease, the quality, reliability and risk of it. The financial manager must take all of these into considerations when making each decision on the firm’s overall valuation. The financial manager may attempt to maximize the wealth of the firm’s shareholders by getting the highest value for the firm. Stock prices are not directly controlled by the financial manager since it is generally affected by the expectations of the firm’s future as well as the current economic environment. In some instances, management may be more interested in maintaining its own tenure than in maximizing stockholder wealth. The goal of shareholder wealth maximization is consistent with a concern for social responsibility for the firm. By adopting policies that would maximize values in the market, the firm can attract capital, provide employment, and offer benefits to its community. Another importance is the ethical behavior of a company because it creates an invaluable reputation. Companies can become more visible than others in their pursuit of these goals. The companies that do a good job at practicing ethical behaviors are profitable, save money, and are good citizens in their communities.
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Expansion of the NFL Generations
The National Football League (NFL) has changed over time during its existence from 1920. The National Football League's experience is even more exciting today then in past generations. The players today are bigger, faster, and stronger then professional players. Although the same general rules still apply in today's game, but new ones are brought up every year to protect players from injuries. Ever since the league started in 1920, the football equipment for players has improved even better over the years. Also today's football culture is even more exciting for players and fans to enjoy. For the players today, it is easier to promote themselves and their teams from the Internet and social media. Since the arrival of the NFL, it has improved over the years and the now fans have made it a way in their daily life. The NFL experience improves every year and it is easier for players to promote themselves because of the Internet. Currently, every player joined the NFL because of the Internet. Today, it is easier for players to promote themselves and communicate with coaches or teams because of the Internet. Coaches and team management are always on the look out for great players. After their talent search, the NFL teams scout online using college statistics for their prospect using the college athletics websites from the players school. The NFL coaches today can even watch college player's highlight films on YouTube, which is a great way to promote players. The older generation coaches had to use word of mouth communications to scout players. Unlike past generations, the communication for players and coaches have involved extremely because of advance technology. The NFL generation today is better than past generations and is getting outstanding players to join the league because of the Internet. The NFL players today are paid more money because of their experience, talents, and abilities to play the game. The players who usually get paid the most are the franchise players. The franchise players (best players on their team) are treated more valuable and the teams base their game strategies because of talents of those players. While other players are part of a role in the game plan, the franchise players carry most the load to the game plan. The NFL players today can easily be replaced by other upcoming college standouts. Unlike past generations, the competition is even more difficult to play against today because the players want to stay in the league or not be traded to other teams. The NFL continues to improve year after year because of the great competitors that join the league and the current players that do not want to be replaced. The rules and regulations of the NFL games have changed significantly and the way the game is watched on television. Most of the rules that changed were for health and injury risk issues because of the full contact sport. For instance, the most recent rule that changed was the head-to-head contact tackle. The head-to-head contact tackle is the incorrect way to tackle, but sometimes other players just want to injury other players for their own reasons. This highlight tackle has been banned due to injuries like brain damage, neck injuries, and concussions. If players attempted to do this tackle they will be fined or suspend for an certain amount of games. Just like any other violation tackle, the head-to-head contact tackle is absorbed in the NFL very closely. While, football equipment has improved over the years for safety issues. There are lighter safety pads that protect your bones with more comfort to your body when absorbed contact. The NFL is always improving the football equipment and trying to avoid past life-threatening injuries such as concussions. Others new rules were also created to improve how the game is played and will protect the football players even better today. The games on television have better picture and a greater experience to watch the game. Unlike in the past, there is a huge difference how the picture has improved even more. The NFL games today have more camera angles and closer experience to watch the game. Just imaging and compared how older generations watched the games on black and white televisions? Also, the NFL games are now watched in high definition. There are also now NFL games that can be watched in 3-Dimensional. Unlike basic cable games, the 3-D games change the television experience, they make you feel like you are playing or coaching in the game. The way the game is played and watched on television in today's generation, is extremely better than past generations. Also the American football culture is expanding and growing over the years of existence. During the fall season, fans know Sundays are for NFL football games and church. NFL fans exist through out America; there can be New York fans that live in California or other areas. The fans are expanding everyday and the football culture is now a way of people's life. For example, NFL fans treat Super Bowl Sunday as a holiday than a regular championship football game. Everybody watches the Super Bowl for the game, halftime show, and commercials. NFL fans have parties and invite friends over to watch the big game at their house. Even commercials during the Super Bowl are always talked about because everybody watches the Super Bowl. Although, companies pay millions of dollars for thirty seconds for their commercials to be played during the Super Bowl because they can attract new customers. Even stores get involved to promote Super Bowl Sunday; like having sales on food and televisions. However, the Thanksgiving Thursday Night Football Game is also part of the American football culture. While enjoying time with family on a real holiday, the NFL has a game on Thanksgiving Day. This game always promotes the Super Bowl game because they know fans and their families are watching the game. The football culture has grown bigger through every generation. Everybody knows when it's time for Super Bowl Sunday. The NFL experience has improved over the years and players have been improving each year. My favorite player of all time in the NFL is Ray Lewis, he plays defensive linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens. Ray Lewis is a franchise player for the Baltimore Ravens and is entering his sixteenth year in the NFL because of his effort to be the best he can be. While, I play the same position as Ray Lewis and I try to put in the same effort he does to become a great player. Although I am trying to pursue an NFL career and become a legend just like Ray Lewis it takes hard work and dedication to become the best you can be. My favorite motivation quote from Ray Lewis is â€Å"You might be bigger, faster, stronger, and better than me, but you are not going to outwork me, because I won't let you†. Unlike other players, Ray Lewis is great role model to play the game and he continues to play the game with his heart instead of greed. The National Football League has changed significantly in every generation. The players are more skilled, paid more money, and rules have changed due to past injuries. The players today are bigger, faster, and stronger than past players because of the improvements in the games. Even the technology of watching the game on televisions has improved significantly for fans to enjoy. Today, the NFL culture has grown on every American life including mine. The National Football League will keep changing generation after generation, but the love of the game will continue to grow.
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