Monday, September 30, 2019
Compare and Contrast the characterization of Virginia Woolf’s Clarrisa Dalloway Essay
Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway has been rewritten a number of times and in 1999, Michael Cunningham has once again revisited the novel and has written The Hours where he traces a single day in the lives of three women. Interestingly Cunningham has fictionalized Virginia Woolf, the writer apart from the two other characters Clarrisa Vaughan and Laura Brown. The Hours is homage to Virginia Woolf and the two female characters namely Clarrisa Dalloway of Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway and Clarissa Vaugham of The Hours pose a number of similarities and dissimilarities and this essay delves into the commonalities and contradictions of these two characters. Young states, â€Å"The relationship between The Hours and Mrs. Dalloway is impossible to simplify; Cunningham interweaves aspects of Woolf’s life, her novel, and her theories†(38). WWoolf and Cunningham describe the life a woman called Clarrisa on a single day in June. Both these women are hosting a party and have come out to buy flowers. They happen to get a glimpse of a celebrity near the florist. Their spouses, being invited by some famous personality, have gone out to dine without taking their wives. On their way home both meet an old friend accidently. But the two women belong to entirely different background and time period. While Mrs. Clarrisa Dalloway lives in 1923 London, Mrs. Clarrisa Vaugham lives in the modern day New York. Woolf represents the modernist society of 1920s in her novel, whereas Cunningham depicts the contemporary life style in The Hours. The protagonist of The Hours Clarrisa Vaugham shares her first name with Woolf’s Clarrisa Dalloway. Though the characterization of Clarrisa Vaugham is different from Mrs. Dalloway, the similarity in the first names does cause some ripples. But the names of other characters are not the same. For instance, in Mrs. Dalloway Clarrisa’s husband is Richard but Clarrisa Vaugham’s husband is not Richard. Sally is an important character who appears in both the fictions. While her relationship with Woolf’s Clarrisa is latent, Cunningham’s Clarrisa maintains a long-term lesbian relationship with Sally. Critics argue that Virginia Woolf is inclined towards homosexuality and therefore her Clarissa Dalloway expresses her secret homosexual interest in the novel. Further Cunningham himself being a gay writer, has penned down his own experiences in the world through Clarrisa Vaugham’s lesbian relationship with Sally. Virginia’s society treated homosexuality as unnatural and perverted and therefore she did not write about it overtly. Loneliness is common to both Clarrisas. When Clarrisa Vaugham is invited for the party which her husband attends, she is utterly frustrated and states, â€Å"I am trivial, endlessly trivial†(94). Similarly, Clarrisa Dalloway is depressed when she comes to know that Lady Bruton has not extended an invitation to her. Both these women represent the triviality of life. Both these women play the role of hostess to perfection and are interested in throwing parties that Peter Walsh remarks that Clarrisa is capable of only hosting parties and taking care of the household chores. Their lives are not essentially significant but they continue to live in the society. Clarrisa Dalloway and Clarrisa Vaugham are fascinated towards the ordinariness of everyday life. Cunningham’s Clarrisa does not have the quest to achieve lofty goals in life. She â€Å"simply enjoys without reason the houses, the church, the man and the dog. It’s childish, she knows. It lacks edge†(12). Both Clarrisas are mature enough to understand that both ordinary and extraordinary are part of the world and have developed a fondness of an ordinary day in life. Clarrisas not only live with triviality and ordinariness but also with dissatisfaction towards life in general. The hollowness of human life and the masks worn by people to retain their false identity in the society is reflected through both the women characters and it is considered as a failure when the incidents around them do not take place as per heir plan and schedule. While Clarrisa emphasizes on winning the literary prize, none is bothered to listen to her. But she treats it as a precious possession which should be well-guarded and does not take into account of how the rest of the world views it. But in spite of the dissatisfactions and failures, they continue to live with a hope and cherish the same hope throughout their life as they believe that such dissatisfactions and darkness reflect the true inner joy of life and society as a whole. The attitude of both the Clarrisas towards fame is almost similar. Clarrisa Vaugham during her shopping at the florists, she wishes to guess the celebrity and with a child-like enthusiasm she waits for her appearance as she believes that movie actors represent eternity. Cunningham states, â€Å"Clarrisa stands guiltily, holding her flowers, hoping the star will show herself again, embarrassed by her own interest†(50). Clarrisa Dalloway is also inquisitive about the celebrity and by seeing the car she guesses the name of the actor. The communication between the characters is essentially strong in Cunningham’s fiction. The characters for instance could discuss about homosexuality openly while some degree of discretion and secrecy has been maintained in Woolf’s version. Clarrisa and Sally for instance are â€Å"always generous with kisses†(89) though they do not express their love verbally. Sally sends Clarrisa roses to expresses her love similar to Richard who also is not able to express his love verbally. Clarrisa Vaugham also fails to express her love for her daughter Julia and is scared that she might lose her to someone. Similarly Mrs. Clarrisa Dalloway is also afraid that she might lose her daughter and that insecurity turns into hatred towards Miss Kilman, the tutor of Julia. In Virginia Woolf’s novel, Elizabeth, daughter of Clarrisa Dalloway loathes the easy way of living of her mother and attaches herself with the feminist Doris Kilman. On the other hand, Julia, Clarrisa Vaugham’s daughter is in love with a New York lesbian by the name Mary Krull who is much older to her. Since Miss Kilman and Ms. Mary Krull are non-conformists who challenge the restrictions imposed upon them by the society, both Clarrisa treat them as adversaries. On the whole, the niceties of Clarrisa Dalloway’s Bloomsbury style are completely out of way and Clarrisa Vaugham adopts the rigorous New York way of living. Cunningham’s Clarrisa is fiercely independent and looks into the future than the past. Happer states that Woolf’s Clarrisa â€Å"looks for the meaning of life primarily in the past†(112-113). Clarrisa Vaugham has no dominant male in her life and in a way, it is remarked that the Cunningham has successfully helped Clarrisa to evolve and overcome the oppression that Woolf’s Clarrisa suffered from. Woolf has primarily focused on Mrs. Dalloway’s life. But Cunningham has extended the boundary and expressed the fact that love and hope are common to everyone in the society. To conclude the two women characters Woolf’s Clarrisa Dalloway and Cunningham’s Clarrisa Vaugham exercise a number of similarities as well as differences. Cunningham’s Clarrisa is seen as an evolution of Woolf’s Clarrisa as she not only has imbibed the qualities of Mrs. Dalloway but also enriched the same and is appreciated for the fierce independence along with love and compassion for others. Works Cited: Cunningham, Michael. The Hours. London: Fourth Estate, 1999. Print. Happer, Howard. â€Å"Mrs. Dalloway. †Between Language and Silence: The Novels of Virginia Woolf. Louisiana State: Baton Rouge, 1982. Print. Young, Tory. Michael Cunningham’s The Hours: A Reader’s Guide. New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2003. Print.
Kindergarten Education Act Essay
On January 20, 2012, Republic Act 10157 also known as Kindergar ten Education Act, was being approved. This Act is in relation with the Millennium Development Goals on achieving Education for All (EFA) by the year 2015. Wherein the policy provide an equal opportunities for all children to avail of accessible mandatory and compulsory kindergarten education that effectively promotes the physical, social, intellectual, emotional and skills stimulation and values formation to sufficiently prepare them for formal elementary schooling. It is prerequisite then, for the children that they will pass through kindergarten, the first stage of elementary education system before going to Grade 1. It is also stated in this Act that the Mother tongue-based multilingual education (MTB-MLE) will be implemented as the medium of instruction to kindergarten pupils. Reaction: Kindergarten before is somewhat optional to acquire. And not all have the privilege, the capacity, the money and the chances to take this formative stage in education. With or without it, when a child reaches the age of formal schooling, he can start his elementary education. The R.A.10157, Kindergarten Education Act, is a one good feat in bridging the gap of literacy and economic stability of our country. Though it is quite long way yet to see its effectiveness but what matters is a step forward has been made towards a better future. With this Act, every child of our country will have an equal right to be molded during his formative stage in life regardless of who or what he is in the society. Kindergarten is of great aid in shaping and building young ones a strong learning foundation in preparation for their next step to their formal education. With proper trainings and programs for teachers in honing their skills in teaching, right approaches such as using the MTB-MLE, and strategies and appropriate learning tools, kindergarten students would be much ready to take the challenge of leveling up to the next ladder of their formal elementary education. Being a language teacher myself, I personally experienced and still experiencing the effect of teaching many, but not all, fresh high school students with a meager elementary education foundation. No matter how much teachers will be pointing fingers to who’s who is to be blamed, it boils down to one factor†¦ inadequate knowledge foundation of students. With this R.A. 10157, I believe it is of great help in patching the hole of the crisis. With a good start having a strong foundation in education, the process would then continue as they level up their knowledge and eventually our country will produce more equipped, effective and productive men and women of the society. Recommendation: Whatever policies, programs and projects of our government such as this R.A. 10157 if it is closely monitored and supervised properly by the concern agencies and people behind it, nothing will put into waste and that the common goal will be achieved†¦to build a stronger and a more productive nation.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Company Law
BT20403/Company Law Business Entities: Company Law Topics covered: Types of Company Formation of a company; †¢ Promoters Pre-Incorporation Contract †¢ Memorandum and Articles of Association Inconsistency between the object and the company’s activities Upon incorporation: †¢ Company is an artificial legal person †¢ Separate legal entity Lifting the corporate veil scs&ismk/company law CONT. 2 The Effect of Incorporation †¢ Memorandum of Association & Articles of Directors’ duties and liabilities association †¢ Common law & statutory †¢ Termination †¢ Limited Liability Winding up Doctrine of Ultra Vires Pre-Incorporation Contract Directors’ duties and liabilities scs&ismk/company law 3 In Malaysia, the law relating to companies are governed by the Companies Act 1965 (CA 1965). scs&ismk/company law 4 The word company or corporation is defined under s. 4(1) CA: Besides the CA 1965, other relevant legislations are the Capital Markets Act 2007, the Securities Commission Act 1993 and the Companies Commission of Malaysia Act 2001. â€Å"company†means a company incorporated pursuant to this Act or pursuant to any corresponding previous enactment; Although company law in Malaysia is based mainly on CA 1965, there are key areas of company law hich are based on judicial precedents. â€Å"corporation†means any body corporate formed or incorporated or existing within Malaysia or outside Malaysia. A company or corporation is a legal association of people who combine to finance a business. scs&ismk/company law 5 scs&ismk/company law 6 1 BT20403/Company Law A company with share capital is a private co mpany if its M&A provides: s. 15(1) S. 14(2) S. 14(2) CA 1965 provides the classification of companies: †¢ restricts the right to transfer shares; †¢ Limits the number of members to not more than 50; †¢ Prohibits any invitation to public to subscribe any of Type of companies he company’s shares or debentures; †¢ Prohibits any invitation to public to deposit money Limited by shares Limited by guarantee with the company Unlimited liability A public company is a company other than a private company refer s. 4(1) for definition Limited by both shares and guarantee scs&ismk/company law †¦cont 7 Obtain approval for the proposed name; Lodge certain documents with SSM (Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia/ Companies Commission Malaysia (CCM) ) including: – Defines the essential company’s structure †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Memorandum and Articles of Association; Statutory declaration by promoters and directors; Particulars of directors and registered office; Declaration of compliance; Statement of the allotment of shares of the Name of the company Company’s equity Company’s liability Object of the company scs&ismk/company law 9 10 Each company must have its object. Alteration of the general provisions of the Memorandum of Association to the extent and manner provided by the CA – s. 21. The objects are stated in the Memorandum of Association. The company may, by special resolution, alter the memorandum by altering or by deleting, the provision, unless the memorandum itself prohibits the alteration or deletion of that rovision – s. 21A. scs&ismk/company law components 8 3rd party who deals with the company may refer to the company’s M&A which is deposited with CCM. Pay the registration fees scs&ismk/company law scs&ismk/company law The purpose: †¢ To define and limit the activities of the company. †¢ If there is discrepancy between the object and i ts activities, thus such transaction is ultra vires and void. 11 scs&ismk/company law 12 2 BT20403/Company Law By virtue of s. 28(1) CA, the company may alter the provision of its memorandum with respect to the objects of the company. If company’s activities inconsistent with the object, Refer to Ashbury Railway Carriage & Iron Ltd v Riche (1875) Common law position – such ultra activities are ultra vires hence void and unenforceable. It cannot be ratified. Alteration can only be done by special resolution at the General Meeting. Statutory provision s. 20 Companies Act 1965 – such transactions are valid. scs&ismk/company law 13 scs&ismk/company law 14 Alteration of the general provisions of the Articles of Association by special resolution s. 31 CA A set of regulations for internal management of the company. Option: The company may: – adopts Table A, Fourth Schedule of the CA 1965 – (s. 30); excludes Table A, Fourth Schedule of the CA 1965;  œ creates its own AA, yet does not exclude the application of Table A, Fourth Schedule of the CA 1965, thus Table A will be applicable in the event of any lacunae. scs&ismk/company law 15 scs&ismk/company law It is a binding contract between the company and its members; – Hickman v Kent Sheep Breeders Assoc (1876) – Eley v Positive Government Security Life Assurance Co (1875) Before a company can be formed, there must be some persons who have an intention to form a company and who take the necessary steps to carry that intention into operation. (Setting up the company) It is also a contract between individual members in their capacity as members. – Wong Kim Fatt v Leong & Co Sdn Bhd (1976) – Rayfield v Hands (1958) 16 Per Cockburn, C. J in Twycross v Grant (1877), a promoter is described as â€Å"one who undertakes to form a company with reference to a given project and to set it going, and who takes the necessary steps to accomplish that purpose. †scs&ismk/company law 17 scs&ismk/company law 18 3 BT20403/Company Law Promoter owes fiduciary duties towards the company: Promoters owe fiduciary duties towards the company, not to the individual members of the company. †¢ To act in good faith To ensure that there is no conflict of interest If the promoter is in breach of his fiduciary duties, it is the company who may take legal action against the promoter. Refer to cases: – Erlanger v New Sombrero Phosphate Co (1878) – Gluckstein v Barnes (1900) scs&ismk/company law 19 scs&ismk/company law 20 Failure to disclose , company has options: A promoter has to disclose any transaction entered, either by, †¢ Company may rescind the contract (Erlanger v †¢ disclosing in M&A; †¢ by communicating to an independent Board of New Sombrero Phosphate), and Directors; †¢ By communicating to the existing and intended embers of the company. †¢ in certain circumstances, company may be able to claim the secret profit obtained by the promoter (Gluckstein v Barnes), †¢ Company may file suit for damages for the breach of fiduciary duties (Re Leeds & Hanley Theater), scs&ismk/company law 21 If the company elects to affirm the contract, company may have a cause of action against promoters for: 22 At times, promoters will have to enter a contract with a third party though the company has yet to be registered. We have to analyse above situation from both position i. e. Common Law and Statutory †¢ deceit, †¢ fraud †¢ negligent misrepresentation cs&ismk/company law scs&ismk/co mpany law 23 scs&ismk/company law 24 4 BT20403/Company Law Pre-incorporation contract is a contract entered by any person on behalf of a company prior to its incorporation: Once such contract is ratified by the company then it will be of retrospective effect, s. 35(1). †¢ Common law: Failure to ratify will render the person who enters the contract to be personally bound by the contract, unless there is an express agreement to the contrary, s. 35(2). Company is not bound by a pre-incorporation contract as the principles of agency cannot be invoked (Kelner v Baxter, Newborne v Sensolid, Phonogram, Rover Industrial etc). †¢ Statute: If company ratifies the pre-incorporation contract, the company will be bound by and entitled to the benefit of the contract as if it had been in existence at the date of the contract, s. 35 CA 1965 (Cosmic Insurance Corporation Ltd v Khoo Chiang Poh (1981) scs&ismk/company law Common Law the pre-incorporation contract is unenforceable on the grounds that: the company is not in existence yet, thus law of agency is inapplicable. the company cannot ratify such transaction as there is no principal-agent relationship involves. 25 Statutory 26 Company XYZ was set up on 1 March 2011; Ms Kyra (promoter), on behalf of Co. XYZ, entered a transaction with ABC on 15 Feb 2011; Co XYZ’s first meeting was on 10 March 2011, whereby Ms Kyra disclosed the pre-incorporation contract to Co. XYZ. s. 35(1) of CA 1965 allows the company to ratify such transaction, it will bind the company with retrospective effect Cosmic Insurance Corporation Ltd v Khoo Chiang Poh †¢ If XYZ has agreed to ratify the contract, thus XYZ is bound by the transaction with ABC with retrospective effect from the date of transaction (i. e. 15 Feb 2011). †¢ If XYZ refuses to affirm, promoter will be personally liable, s. 35(2). (1981) Newborne v Sensolid GB) Ltd (1945), Kelner v Baxter, Phonogram, Rover Industrial etc). scs&ismk/company law scs&ismk/company law 27 scs&ismk/company law 28 Upon incorporation, a company is considered as an artificial legal person, i. e a person created by statute. S. 16(5) CA 1965 provides that â€Å" on and from the date of incorporation specified in the c ertificate of incorporation but subject to the Act the subscribers to the memorandum together with such other persons as may from time to time become members of the company shall be a body corporate by the name contained in the memorandum capable forthwith of exercising all the functions of an ncorporated company and suing and being sued and having perpetual succession and a common seal with a power to hold land but with such liability on the part of the members to S. 16(5): As a ‘body corporate’, 1. a company’s obligations and liabilities are its own, and not those of its participants; 2. a company can sue and be sued in its own name; 3. a company has perpetual succession; 4. a company’s property is not the property of its participants; 5. a company can contract with its controlling participants contribute to the assets of the company in the event of its being wound up as is provided by this Act. †cs&ismk/company law 29 scs&ismk/company law 30 5 BT 20403/Company Law a. k. a corporate veil The company is a legal person separate from its participants. The law treats a company as being a separate person from its members and those who manage its operation. In the event of winding up, members are liable up to their unpaid shares only. They are not liable to contribute if they have had paid up their shares. This means that: Case Salomon v Salomon & Co Significance of the case †¢ its obligations and property are its own and not †¢ ‘Separate legal entity between members and those of its participants; and company’. its existence continues unchanged even if the identity of the participants changes scs&ismk/company law cash, debenture Pty Ltd company 20,001 shares Family 32 Facts: The company was put into liquidation; The assets were realised to pay off the secured creditors: †¢ Salomon was the debenture holder for Salomon & Co, hence was given priority The unsecured creditors were left empty handed Liquidator sued Salomon shoe business Salomon scs&ismk/company law 31 6 shares scs&ismk/company law 34 Lee v Lee’s Air Farming (1961) AC 12 Court of Appeal: †¢ Salomon was liable to indemnify the company against the losses. Abdul Aziz bin Atan & 87 others v Ladang Rengo Malay Estate Sdn. Bhd. [1985] 2 MLJ 165: House of Lords: †¢ Reversing the Court of Appeal’s decision. †¢ Salomon and the company were separate persons. scs&ismk/company law scs&ismk/company law 33 35 scs&ismk/company law 36 6 BT20403/Company Law In the Application for Re Yee Yut Ee (1978) 2 MLJ 142 – In a company limited by shares, a member’s liability to contribute to meet the debts of the company is limited to the amount (if any) remaining unpaid on their shares – s. 18(1)(d). The High court held that a director is not liable for the company’s debts. Allows investors to quarantine the risk of a particular venture from their other assets. In practice, creditors may negotiate personal guarantees from controllers. scs&ismk/company law 38 Once a person has sold or given his property to the company he no longer has any right over it. The property belongs to the company, and the member no longer has any right or interest. S. 19 mentions that a company has the ‘power to hold land’. This can be taken to mean that a company can own other types of property too. The property of a company is its own, and not that of its members. Macaura v Northern Assurance Co. Ltd. (1925)AC619 . Even if a member holds almost all the shares of a company, he does not have any proprietary interest in the company’s property. scs&ismk/company law scs&ismk/company law 37 39 scs&ismk/company law 40 The corporate veil will be lifted in these situations derived from †¢ Common law †¢ Statutory There are certain circumstances whereby the Court are asked to lift the corporate veil and ignore the separate legal entity of the company If the court lift up the corporate veil thus it will be able to discover the identity of the participants of the company and impose liability upon them. Thus, the separation between the company and its participants (members and officers) does not exist anymore. scs&ismk/company law 41 scs&ismk/company law 42 7 BT20403/Company Law Common Law In the event of evasion of contractual obligations – Gilford Motor Co v Horne -Jones v Lipman Sham purposes: Re FG Films Fraudulent: Re Darby The company is an agent or partner of the controller Taxation and nationality rules: Daimler Co Ltd v Continental Tyre & Rubber; scs&ismk/company law †¦common law(cont) Public interests (when it is just and equittable) – Aspatra Sdn Bhd & 21 Ors v Bank Bumiputera Malaysia Bhd & Anor †¦. statutory (cont) †¦common law (cont) holding – subsidiary: s. 5(1) Holding – Subsidiary †¢ S. 169 financial Companies: statement – Tiu Shiu Kian v Red †¢ Where the company is in Rose Restaurant Sdn the relationship of holding Bhd; and subsidiary, SLE is – Hotel Jaya Puri Bhd v inapplicable as the Act National Union of requires a consolidated Hotel, Bar and profit and loss account for Restaurant Workers holding and subsidiary company, s. 169 Statutory S. 36- member less than 2; S. 121(1) &(2) – misdescription (unless company is willing to ratify) providing share assistance to purchase own shares, . 67(5) Taxation purposes †¢ S. 140 Income Tax Act 1967 Payment of dividend from other sources, not from profit †¢ S. 365(2) DHN Food Distributors Ltd v Tower Hamlets London Borough Council †¦statutory (cont) issuance of prospectus which is pending approval †¢ s. 44(2) †¢ s. 48(4) incapable of payin g the company’s debt †¢ S. 303(3) – no reasonable or probable expectation fraudulent trading – s. 304(1) scs&ismk/company law scs&ismk/company law 43 44 Definition †¢ S. 4(1): A director is a person occupying the position of director by whatever name called. †¢ Includes a ‘shadow director': not an ‘official' irector, but someone whose directions board ‘accustomed to act’ in accordance with. A director must be a natural person and of full age: s122 (2). The general powers of management rest with the board of directors – Article 73 Table A. 45 scs&ismk/company law 46 Disqualification of Directors †¢ S. 11 CA – makes it a criminal offence for an undischarged bankrupt to act as a director or shadow director without judicial consent. †¢. Company Secretary †¢ Every company must have a company secretary. The secretary may be a director of the company, unless there is only one director, in which case t he ecretary must be the second individual. scs&ismk/company law 47 scs&ismk/company law 48 48 8 BT20403/Company Law Common Law Fiduciary duties †¢ Bona fide †¢ To act diligently †¢ To ensure that there is no conflict of interest Duty of care and skills †¢ Expectation of a reasonable man †¢ Delegation of authority Retirement Statutory To disclose any interest s. 131 To act in good faith – s. 132 Misuse of the company’s confidentiality- insider trading- s. 132A & s. 132B Unauthorised transactions that might jeopardise the company – s. 132C Interest in another company- s. 134 Secret profit- s. 135 scs&ismk/company law As agreed Resignation †¢ Tender notice as prescribed by the Articles of Association; Dismissal/Removal †¢ Without waiting for expiry of the term- could lead to another legal suit taken by the director against the company 49 scs&ismk/company law 50 Registrar’s power under s. 308: †¢ Defunct companies In ap proving the scheme of arrangement, the court may order immediately for dissolution of a company – s. 178. Voluntary winding up – s. 254 †¢ The members of the company may pass a resolution to wind up or through winding up by creditors Court’s Order – s. 217 †¢ The grounds as specified in s. 218(1) scs/company law 51 9
Friday, September 27, 2019
Exercise 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Exercise 1 - Essay Example Sexual abuse on the other hand is enticing a child to undertake in any sexual activities with or without consent. The awareness of the child is irrelevant in this case. Failure to provide a child’s needs amounts to neglect. The program’s mission will be protecting children from neglect and abuse to ensure they grow in a healthy environment and proper mental, social, psychological, and emotional development. The primary goals include educating the society on the various forms of child abuse and helping those affected by offering support financially, emotionally and health programs for the sexually abused (Watkins,2009). The effectiveness of the program is measurable in the following ways; data can be obtained from the related agencies and compared to cases reported after awareness is done. A reduction of the number of reported cases shows success. Conducting a benchmarking activity by comparing our work and that done by other child protection programs. The number of children who successfully undertake the program will also be an indication of the success of the program. Activities aimed at achieving the objectives include conducting fun days where families are mobilized and educated on child abuse. Blogs and social networks will ensure that a larger population gets the intended message and are continuously updated on any new events. A toll free centre will be accessible for 24 hours to respond to any emergencies and receive
Thursday, September 26, 2019
John D. Rockefeller Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
John D. Rockefeller - Research Paper Example She also accommodated with her husband’s philandering and double life, which included bigamy.  Young Rockefeller did his share of the regular household chores, and earned extra money raising turkeys, selling potatoes and candy, and eventually loaning small sums of money to neighbors. In spite of his father’s absences and frequent family moves, young Rockefeller was a polite, sober and diligent boy. His colleagues described him as reserved, serious, pious, logical, and prudent. He was a brilliant debater, and expressed himself appropriately. When he was a boy, his family moved to Moravia, New York and, in 1851, to Owego, where he attended Owego Academy. In 1853, his family moved to Strongsville. Rockefeller attended Clevelands Central High School and then took a ten week business course at Folsoms Commercial College where he studied bookkeeping. Rockefeller became member of the then-new Republican Party, and a follower of Abraham Lincoln and the party’s abolitionist wing. A devout Baptist, Rockefeller turned his attention increasingly during the 1890s to charities and benevolence; after 1897 he devoted himself completely to philanthropy. He was a faithful congregant of the Erie Street Baptist Mission Church, where he taught Sunday school, and served as a trustee, clerk, and occasional janitor. Religion was a main force all his life, and Rockefeller believed it to be the source of his success. In 1859, at age nineteen, he started his first company, Clark and Rockefeller. It was a joint venture with an Englishman, Clark. Clark did the outdoor tasks while Rockefeller controlled office management, bookkeeping, and relationships with bankers. The firm prospered during the Civil War. With the Pennsylvania oil strike in 1859 and the building of a railroad to Cleveland, they branched out into oil refining with Samuel Andrews, who had knowledge of the field. Within two years Rockefeller became senior partner; Clark was
The War in Vietnam Dramatically Affected American Foreign Policy Essay
The War in Vietnam Dramatically Affected American Foreign Policy - Essay Example The War in Vietnam Dramatically Affected American Foreign Policy There was a significant increase of the focus on American foreign policy by the then president Lyndon Johnson after the conflict in Vietnam (Gallagher, 1). However, there were issues regarding statistics depicting that there were cases of racial discrimination; the foreign policy in America has undergone significant changes for a period leading to a reflection on their national interests. In fact, these changes were experienced after new revolutionary war, whereby America’s principal national interest was aimed at maintenance of independence from various countries in Europe. For instance, America has developed a significant foreign policy, which is supported by the Atlantic Ocean and typified through Monroe Doctrine. This foreign policy focuses on imposing constraints on European attempts to further colonization of the western hemisphere. Apparently, in America, formulation of these policy focuses on avoiding entanglement with other countries, thereby concentrating on developm ent of a nation covered the continent. These foreign policies have played a significant role in facilitating the process of industrialization, which focused on the foreign markets and colonies. Moreover, America managed to attain a minor level of imperial power by the end of twentieth century through war with territories such as Spain for Cuba, and with Philippines taking over Hawaii. (Mehmet, 1). On the other hand, the World War 1 involved Americans concerning European issues, though after the war, there was a form of isolation; for instance, Americans turned down the idea of joining the League of Nations, though it turned inward once again. Numerous issues and functions are taken by the foreign policy in America; for example, it focuses on establishment and maintenance of diplomatic relationships with other counties and international institutions such as United Nations (Mehmet, 1). The foreign policy has contributed in the process of maintaining peace, whereby America is able to work with their allies in a way that faci lities regional and international security. On the other hand, there are wide ranges of international economic issue that entail international trade and business that are affected by a change in foreign policy. Foreign policy has facilities involvement in issue such as aid and disaster relief, whereby American takes significant role of leadership these and other issue such as negotiation of treaties and maintaining peace. Therefore, America has taken an important function that involves seeking ways to address international economic and environmental issues. There are three branches involved formulation and implementation of foreign policy in America; in fact, these branches collaborate with necessary governmental institutions and agencies. On the other hand, this process involves the president and executives branches with the ultimate role of formulating and implementing
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Expatriate Adjustment of Spouses and Expatriate Managers Case Study - 42
Expatriate Adjustment of Spouses and Expatriate Managers - Case Study Example There were times when she used to cry and we tried to support her during that time and be close to her†¦it was difficult for all of us†(Andreason, 2008). The problem, in my opinion, despite the pressures of children getting by in a foreign country, zeroes down on the language barrier (Andreason, 2008). The problems could have been handled by taking beginner and proficiency courses in the individual languages before they left home. As Andreason (2008 p. 382) points out, another problem is the perceived lack or presence of organizational support. For some expatriates and repatriates, the countries they were situated in could make or break their stay, resources, and performance. One British male says, â€Å"the expat thing, they help you how to find a house†¦sort out the bits and the balls as it is daunting and very time consuming to do it in a different language†¦compensation, additional support one receives, housing agencies and a trip home every year†(Andreason, 2008). It is in itself an opportunity. But in its absence, the person suffers as shown in another expatriate who says â€Å"...Little support in making the transition. No formal program to...put you in an apartment, orient you in the city†¦that was irresponsible†(Andreason, 2008). How to solve this before the expatriates left home was to familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions of the job (Andreason, 2008). If all these services were not provided by the host countries and companies, they would have contracted companies providing such to avoid frustrations when they arrived. Andreason (2008) concurs that cultural bias could be another problem with expatriates. In Germany, for example, the model of the male being the bread-winner for the family is quite predominant. In this case, any female expatriate would expect perceptions about them with respect to organizational support or the work-family conflict to be biased in a German context before even moving to the country.Â
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Volunteer tourism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 1
Volunteer tourism - Assignment Example Of course, the procedure will entail doing research and continuously improving product features that the firm offers. Motivations of this subject are varied with results such as experiencing new things, having fun and skill development among others. This paper seeks this impression of change further as it examine and explore the impact that volunteer tourism organizations play, Speciessaver in particular, for the advancement of humanities and understanding. The paper is developed for Australian intended tourism terminus in Truong Son, in Vietnam. As will be stated in the body of the paper, application methods are researched on and availed at the convenience of willing participants. Tourism is mobile vocational trip that one goes for to enjoy leisure or for business purpose. Increasing personal earnings and arising awareness due to the emergence of technology are just a few factors to mention that have contributed to tourism. Currently, the rate at which financial independence is contracting has promoted the lookout for volunteers in a variety of endeavours (Li-Ju & Joseph 2010). Lyons and Wearing (2008) suggested that the volunteer tourists be those individuals who are driven by internal desire to contribute towards the development and to gain more insight on things through learning new skills. Such persons are dedicated to a reduction of poverty and for the betterment of environmental conditions as well as saving the animal species (Lyons & Wearing 2008). Many companies have since gained insight in advancing the same through linking and facilitating these groups. Management of these groups is essential for efficient delivery of services they would volunteer to provide. This paper probes the classification of these potential volunteers in view of their basic and immediate perception of offering voluntary work in collaboration of attaining
Monday, September 23, 2019
Liberation Movements for Minority Groups in the 1960s Article
Liberation Movements for Minority Groups in the 1960s - Article Example Blacks had long been accorded numerous rights during the Emancipation of Proclamation, but those rights were yet to be implemented in the practical sense (Foner 49). After the Second World War, veteran soldiers of black origin and other like-minded social activists like Martin Luther King Jr. joined hands in a fight against oppression. Black civil rights movement continued through the 1950s and early 1960s, after which African Americans gained their constitutional rights to vote and own property. Women Liberation Movement After successful civil rights movement by the minority blacks in the US, other groups were to build their basis on strategies used by the African Americans in demanding other equal recognition. In this context, we will evaluate the feminist liberation movement and establish the manner in which the black civil rights struggle influenced women in their feminism campaigns. Prior to the 1960s, women in America enjoyed limited to no economic opportunities as compared to their male counterparts. Society operated with the philosophy that women should remain at home taking care of children while men go to work. With respect to social aspects, women were branded symbols of sex and beauty. American society advocated for charm and physical attractiveness as the only qualities used to define women’s worth (Weisner and William 34). With respect to political context, most women, especially from the black and other minority groups were not counted as eligible voters. They could neither parti cipate in general elections nor vie for political positions.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Positive Effects of Media on Our Society Essay Example for Free
Positive Effects of Media on Our Society Essay Today i am going to aware you about the positive effects of media on our society. Media has served as a boon to mankind. It has provided us with an exposure to the world outside our cozy homes. It has resulted in an exchange of views on a variety of subjects of a wide variety of people from all around the world, thereby leading to a global exchange of information and knowledge. Mass media has given each of us a platform to voice our opinions on all sorts of social and political issues and share information with one another. It has brought out easy ways of communication and provided us with easily accessible means to reach out to people in various parts of the world. Thanks to technological development, we have been able to obtain a platform that enables us to present ourselves to the rest of the world. The negative influences of media that are a result of an overexposure to it, are most often talked about. It is true to a certain extent that media has affected the society in a negative manner. But, undoubtedly, media has proved being a bliss. The media like television, radio and the Internet increase an overall awareness of the masses. They enhance the general knowledge by providing us with information from all over the world. News broadcast through different media helps us know about the day-to-day events in the world. News, tele-films and documentaries revolving around social issues increase a social awareness in children and develop their concern towards society. Newspapers, apart from updating us with the latest news and new information, also contribute to the enhancement of our vocabulary. Newspapers are the best beginners in developing reading habits in children. Through the print media, they provide the general public with a platform to give updates about their parts of the city, exchange their views over different issues that the society faces and share their thoughts on a larger scale. Media serve as the best means for a speedy spread of news about important incidents or events taking place. What has happened in the remotest corner of the world can reach us within minutes, thanks to media. The speed that technology has achieved is helpful in times of crisis when media is to be used for reporting news needing immediate attention. Research has revealed that media is responsible for influencing a major part of our daily life. Media contribute to a transformation in the cultural and social values of the masses. Media can bring about a change in the attitudes and beliefs of the common man. The persuasive nature of the content presented over media influences the thoughts and behavior of the general public. Media has a direct impact over the lifestyle of society.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Press Agentry Model Media Essay
The Press Agentry Model Media Essay The earliest PR model to appear was press agentry or publicity. It emerged in the late 19th century and was characterized as one-way, source-to-receiver communication where the flow of information is only from the sender to the receiver. The sender is not much concerned about the second partys feedback, reviews and so on. Press agentry attempts to change the behavior of publics without changing the behavior of the organization. Under the press agentry, public relations strive for publicity in the media in almost any way possible. Grunig Hunt confirm that the model involves a propaganda function (Grunig Hunt, 1984 pp. 21) and academics such as Butterick (2009), Theaker (2004), and Johnston Zawawi (2004) agree that accuracy and credibility are somewhat compromised as the goal of the model is to influence the audience by manufacturing news, be that by way of stunts or explicit publicity seeking. Butterick (2009) states that practitioners who use this model become press agents, utilis ing a range of PR tools from press releases to publicity stunts which in turn ensures that an audience takes a specific course of action. Press agents did little research aside from monitoring the media in which they sought to place favorable articles about their clients. The prototype practitioner of this model was the American impresario P. T. Barnum. He promoted circuses and other entertainment venues such as the singer Jenny Lind. Publicity continues to be a component of contemporary American PR and is used in sports, entertainment and product publicity, although todays practitioners are less likely to take liberties with the truth. In Press Agentry publicity model, public relations expects enhance the reputation of the organization among the target audience, stakeholders, employees, partners, all other associated with it through manipulation. According to this model, hire public relations expects who create a positive image of their brand in the minds of target audience through arguments and reasoning. They influence their potential customers by simply imposing their ideas, thoughts, creative stories of their bran d, USPs of the products and so on. Flow of information takes place only from the public relations expects to the target audiences. (One-Way communication) Although J. Grunig and Hunt acknowledged that there had been public-relations-like activities throughout history, they claimed that the press agents of the mid-19th century were the first full- name specialists to practice public relations. These press agents practiced the press agentry/ publicity model of public relations for such heroes as Andrew Jackson, Daniel Boone, Buffalo Bill Cody, and Calamity Jane. The most prominent of these practitioners was P.T. Barnum, who skillfully promoted his circus performers using the axiom, There is a sucker born every minute. Curiosity and scepticism played a pivotal role in the success of the press agentry model in the 19th Century, as illustrated with Barnums stunt, and to this day it still does. Butterick (2009) points out that we only have to look at the inner editorial pages of the tabloid newspapers, the celebrity magazines or observe when a new movie or CD is launched to see the press agentry model in its purest form. Press agents like Max Clifford are often seen as masters of the industry, carefully manipulating the media coverage of their clients, as Butterick notes; even the so-called exclusive pictures of semi-naked celebrities on a beach in a Sunday newspaper can sometimes be the result of a collusion between the stars publicist and photographer. Although it is clear from the examples above that the press agentry model is still very much in use in the 21st Century, we can easily argue that the ethics involved in this model are highly questionable, and the admission from Grunig Hunt that the model has an element of propaganda attached to it does nothing to distil the negative connotations attached to PR as propaganda (Butterick, 2009). However, despite these criticisms, it is ultimately our curiosity and scepticism which ensures the press agentry model is still alive and well in the modern day. Although the modern day PR practitioner must be more au fait with the truth, the very foundations of the model still exist whether it be to publicise a sporting event, a theatre production, or the scariest film of the decade, as in the recent movie release Paranormal Activity (2009). We, the public, will either want to believe what we see, or find out for ourselves if our scepticism can be proven correct which is why this model still works for practitioners seeking to gain the illusive media spotlight and is therefore relevant for the 21st Century. Having established a need for the press agentry model in the 21st Century, we must now look at its successor; how it works, and how it continues to work today, in order to establish how relevant it remains. The public information model surfaced circa 1920, when, some say, the press agentry model started to lose credibility with journalists who had caught on to the press agents way of emitting the truth on many an occasion to get their clients into the media (Grunig Hunt, 1984). Although similar to the press agentry model in that it is characterised by a one way method of communication, the public information model differs because it is aimed at giving its audience clear and factual information. Press agentry is closely associated with publicity in the entertainment world. Press agentry is the practice of attracting the attention of the press through technique that manufactures news. Methods associated with press agentry include staged events, publicity stunts, faux rallies or gatherings, spinning, and hype. A common practice is the late 1800s and early 1900s, press agentry is not part of mainstream public relations. Rather, it is a practice primarily associated with major entertainment-related events, such as Hollywood premieres and boxing matches. The goal of press agentry is to attract attention rather than gain understanding. Even today, however, the term press agent is sometimes used interchangeably with publicist in traditional Broadway theater and motion picture industries. Todays entertainment industries are populated with publicists rather than press agents. Publicists are individuals skilled in media relations who attempt to get the name of their clients or events in the media by carefully constructing messages that inform, educate, and persuade. Some are astute in branding and positioning strategies to aid the careers and success of their clients. In contrast, press agents want attention either good or bad in most any form. Press agentry had been called persuasion for short-term advantage through the use of truth bending and even distortion, but it can also be simply the staging of provocative acts to get publicity and draw attention to an individual, event, or cause. Therefore, it is understandable that one of the earliest proponents of press agentry was Phineas Taylor (P.T) Barnum, the famed American showman and promoter who put gun Gen. Tom Thumb on exhibit and launched a mobile circus featuring Jumbo the elephant and freak shows. Barnum was a master of press agentry. For instance, he wrote letters both praising and criticizing his circus show to newspaper under an assumed name. In the early part of his career, Edward L. Bernays was also a master of press agentry. He persuaded 10 debutantes to hold up Lucky Strike cigarettes manufactured by his client, the American Tobacco Company, as torches of freedom while participating in New Yorks Easter parade. In 1929, Bernays staged a global news event by organizing the Lights Golden Jubilee, a worldwide calebration commemorating the 50th anniversary of the electric light bulb for his client, General Electric. Bernays managed to secure several prominent individuals for that event, including carmaker Henry Ford, electricity scientist Thomas Edison, and President Herbert Hoover. Henry Rogers, one of the founders of Rogers and Cowan, the largest and most successful West Coast entertainment publicity firm, became well known when he promoted an unknown contract player for Columbia Pictures named Rita Hayworth. He contacted Look magazine with a telegram from the Fashion Couturiers Association of America, a fictitious group, claiming that Hayworth was the best-dressed off-screen actress. Look magazine took the bait and put Hayworth on the cover and published 10 pages of her photographs.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Personal development and study methods
Personal development and study methods Personal development and study methods help me to enhance self-development and build up individual personality. Besides that, it helps me to know more about myself and developed potential in the future. It helps me to improve my weaknesses and enhance the virtue by setting goal for the future. On the other hand, study methods can help me to improve my reading mistakes and get a better result in exam to achieve my goal in the future. I also improve self confidence and self-esteem in social skill from this subject. Before that, I am irresolute and less confidence in handling a task and make a decision in each part of life. But now, I become self-confidence to make decision in completing a task. (Mind Tools, 1995) Besides that, I also improve my self esteem in life. Before that, I have a low self esteem, always think negative and believe in negative comments. (Perera, 2002) I gives them impression feel without confidence to do something and negative influence on the decision making. But now, I have high self esteem by thinking positively and feel confidence to make a decision. (Perera, 2002) Besides that, I also learnt on thinking skill from PDSM. Before that, I always think negatively and emotional. But now, I know how to differentiate the advantage and disadvantage when I am thinking independently. I would open my mind to accept other opinions and make the correct decision. (qcda, 1993) Besides that, I will think logically for every decision made in order to achieve the task. (qcda, 1993) This subject teaches me to set up a personal career plan. It is to write down my proposed life agenda. (, 2009) Before that, I never think about my life planning in future. But now, I know my objectives and direction after I studied this subject. I will easily achieving my goal and I cant be hurry in taking any shortcut to achieve the goal by doing it randomly. I also have set up short term, middle term and long term goal separately to achieve it during period of time. I also learn the SWOT analysis to evaluate strategic planning method. (, 2009) It will help me to overcome my weakness and develop my strength from internal and looking for opportunities and to occupy superiority in threat from external. (Wikipedia, 2009) In addition, PDSM also improve my personal skill such as listening skill and body language. Before that, after I listen lectures from lecturer, I cant understand what he taught. But now, I can understand the lesson. Besides that, I know the difference between hearing and listening. (Fodor, n.d.) After I study PDSM, my body language has improved. Before that, when I presenting something to them, they do not understand what I want to express. But now, I can present something by using verbal or non-verbal language to transmit a message to someone. (Mind Tools, 1995) I can attract my audience by using body language during my presentation. PDSM teach me how to improve my reading skills. So, I can read effectively by using the reading techniques. It is to determine objective, skim and scan through the text, and speed reading to understand the text. (Price and Maier, 2008) Now, I can read an article even more smoothly and faster than before. Besides that, I can understand meaning of phrases or sentences easily. It would help me improve my reading skills effectively for my degree study. I am learning about note making from PDSM. Note making is a technique to record important information effectively and recall it at any time. (Student and Community Services Unit, 1986) Before that, I am very confused when reading an article. But now, I am using note making technique to take down important information and memorize it easily. Besides that, it helps me to do revision more convenient and easily understand the content of an article. On the other hand, I will take notes in the class from lecturer. I can easily summarising and review the lesson base on the notes that I have made. (Jones and Mort, 1994) Other than that, I also learn about mind mapping in this subject. I would know how to make a mind map by using the notes. The note in a mind map is in order and clearly to analyze each part of the topic. It would help me easily to understand and have a direct vision for each part of the main topic. I can imagine the mind map by brainstorming and write down the notes and ideas easily. It helps me to remember each part of the ideas that I list down for examination and to overcome the information overload problem. (Mann, 2003) PDSM also teach me how to manage time. Before that, I always postpones my assignment until last minutes, thus I cant finish it. But after I learned the skill, I can overcome procrastination and manage time well. I am able to hand up my assignment on time. Besides that, I can plan and manage time usage more elastic in setting priorities by assigning and making decision between urgent and important criteria. (Haughey, 2000) In addition, I can set my personal goals via using S.M.A.R.T. principle to achieve lifetime goal in the future. (Haughey, 2000) Besides that, I also study learning method in PDSM. Before that, I do not know where I want to start on learning each subject. After I studied this subject, it helps me to find a ways to improve my study by the types of learning situations. For examples, I can discuss with classmates in tutorial and ask questions on lecturer. I will listen lectures from lecturer idea, recorded the notes and discuss with my classmates. I will know and understand the learning outcomes as a result on each courses of study. (Khathijah, 2004) I will manage my study and improve as well and enhance the quality of learning. (Khathijah, 2004) In conclusion, PDSM helps me in studying skills, personality and self-development. It will help me to become a successful person and as a student in the future. Reference: Mind Tools, 1995, Building Self-Confidence: Develop the Self-Confidence You Deserve!, Mind Tools Industry, Available from, Last Accessed 25th July 2009. Perera, K, 2002, What is Self Esteem?, Company, Available from, Last Accessed 25th July 2009. qcda, 1993, Developing skills: Thinking skills, Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency Company, Available from, Last Accessed 24th July 2009., 2009, What is Your Personal Career Plan?, Answers Corporation Company, Available from, Last Accessed 24th July 2009., 2009, SWOT analysis, Answers Corporation Company, Available from, Last Accessed 24th July 2009. Wikipedia, 2009, SWOT analysis, n.p. Available from, Last Accessed 24th July 2009. Fodor, J, Dr, n.d. What is Active Listening? The Elmhurst College Learning Center, Available from, Last Accessed 24th July 2009. Mind Tools, 1995, Body language: Understanding non-verbal communication, Mind Tools Industry, Available from, Last Accessed 25th July 2009. Richman, H, 1998, 11 Free Tips Improve Studying Results, Sound Feelings, Available from, Last Accessed 14th July 2009. Price, G, Maier, M, eds, 2008, Reading Skills, University of Southampton, Available from, Last Accessed 17th July 2009. Lamb, A, and Johnson, L, 1999, Skimming and Scanning, n.p. Available from, Last Accessed 17th July 2009. Student and Community Services Unit, 1986, Note Making, Victoria University of Wellington, Available from, Last Accessed 22nd July 2009. Jones, G, and Mort, P, 1994, Note-Taking Skills, The Learning Centre Company, Available from, Last Accessed 19th July 2009. Mann, B, 2003, Overcome Information Overload with Mind Maps, WebProNews Company, Available from, Last Accessed 23rd July 2009. Haughey, D, 2000, SMART Goals, Company, Available from, Last Accessed 23rd July 2009. Khathijah Abdul Hamid, Dr, 2004, A Guideline for the Development of Learning Outcomes for Courses of Study Offered at Private Higher Education Institutions, Linn-Benton Community College Media Service, Available from, Last Accessed 24th July 2009.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Autonomy and Responsibility: The Start of Labor Unions Essay -- Essay
Autonomy and Responsibility: The Start of Labor Unions The late nineteenth century was a time of great change for people everywhere. Industries became staples of society in almost every major city; farming became more efficient due to steel and machines, and more jobs were available because of all the new industries. Between 1865 and 1900, the number of people employed in manufacturing rose from 1.3 million to 4.5 million. Working conditions were terrible, providing long hours, low wages, and unhealthy conditions. Millions of people were denied the basic amenities that their labor made possible for others.1 When reviewing drive for monopolies, Edward Bellamy, author of Looking Backward, wrote that "The individual laborer, who had been relatively important to the small employer, was reduced to insignificance and powerlessness against the great corporation, while at the same time the way upward to the grade of employer was closed to him. Self-defense drove him to union with his fellows."2 The people wanted their independence and proper treatment from their employers, so they formed labor unions to achieve this goal. The employers were responsible for properly compensating them for their work, but yet they failed to do so until the laborers fought back. The start of such labor unions as the National Labor Union, The Knights of Labor, and the American Federation of Labor asserted the autonomy of the common worker. One significant labor union was the National Labor Union (NLU). In the summer of 1866, union leaders called a congress of labor organizations at Baltimore. At this time, seventy-seven delegates representing 60,000 workers launched the NLU. The NLU worked towards their main goal of obtaining an eight-hour wor... their labor force. Notes 1. Sean Dennis Cashman, America in the Guilded Age, 2nd ed. (New York: New York University Press, 1988), 235. 2. Cashman, 236. 3. Cashman, 238. 4. Cashman, 240. 5. Cashman, 237. 6. Louis M. Hacker and Benjamin B. Kendrick, The United States Since 1865 (New York: F. S. Crofts & Co., 1932), 224. 7. Cashman, 250. 8. Hacker, 225-226. 9. Hacker, 227-228. 10. Hacker, 229-230. 11. Harold U. Faulkner, Politics, Reform, and Expansion 1890-1900 (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1959), 87. 12. Hacker, 233. 13. Faulkner, 88. 14. Hacker, 231. 15. Cashman, 255. 16. Eric Foner and John A. Garraty, ed. The Reader's Companion to American History. 1991. 1 March 2000, 1. 17. Hacker, 232. 18. Foner, 2.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Comparing Melvilles Moby Dick as a Mans Story and Naslunds Novel, Ah
Comparing Melville's Moby Dick as a Man's Story and Naslund's Novel, Ahab's Wife as a Woman's Story Throughout my reading of Moby Dick and Ahab's Wife, I was disturbed by the fact that the most tempting way to situate the two novels in a relationship was to categorize them as "male" and "female." Moby Dick was, of course, the man's story and Ahab's Wife was its womanly counterpart. This comparison makes sense when you consider the gender of the authors, Melville and Naslund, the gender of their respective narrators, Ishmael and Una, and the experiences portrayed throughout the texts. Many readers argue, "There are no female characters in Moby Dick- how could it be anything but a man's story?" In that context, it is easy to position Ahab's Wife at the opposite end of the literary spectrum because the novel is told solely from a feminine perspective. Viewing the texts in this way indicates that our conceptions of gender have not changed much since the days of Adam and Eve. In that story the man, Adam, came first and provided the foundation for humankind. Eve was an afterthought, born e from a single rib. The rib that became Una can be found in Moby Dick- a single reference to Ahab's spouse back in Nantucket. Adam and Eve represent a clear division between male and female that established the gender binary we now impose on these two texts. I find this dichotomy troubling and ultimately inadequate for several reasons. First of all, I don't agree with the spectrum concept that places maleness on one side and femaleness on the other, then locates Moby Dick and Ahab's Wife at these opposite poles. However, this formula exists in almost every field of study. The scientific term for the differences between males and females of a s... ...the finishing to posterity." (663) Just as Melville left room for Naslund, she has opened the door for more stories to emerge from Moby Dick and more towers to be constructed. Sources Cited Chase, Cheryl. "Hermaphrodites With Attitude: Mapping the Emergence of Intersex Political Action." from "Questions of Gender/Engendering Questions", 130-141 Garber, Marjorie. "Spare Parts: The Surgical Construction of Gender" from "Questions of Gender/Engendering Questions", 361-368 Hemmeter, Gail. "Ambiguous Sexes" from "Questions of Gender/Engendering Questions", 96-118 Melville, Herman. Moby Dick. New York: W.W. Norton & Company Inc, 2002. Naslund, Sena Jeter. Ahab's Wife. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc, 1999. Slaughenhoupt, Bruce L. "Diagnostic Evaluation and Management of the Child With Ambiguous Genitalia." KMA Journal 95 (1997): 135-141.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Fungal Species
The fungal species about 100 stains which were previously isolated at the laboratory of biology department king khalid university will be used in this study. Fungi will be cultured on potato dextrose agar pda medium for 7 days at 27  °c. Identification of these species will be done basically on their microscopical and cultural characteristics. The identity will be confirmed by amplification of its gene using universal primers. The fungal genomic dna extraction will be carried out using the qiagen dneasy plant/fungi mini kit protocol according to the nstructions. The its region of fungal dna will be amplified using the fungal specific-primer set: Its1-f cttggt cat tta gag gaa gta a and its4 r tcc tccgct tat tga tat gc as described by white et al. 1990 pcr reaction will be performed in a final volume of 50 ?L containing 10 mm tris-hcl 50mm kcl 1.5 m m mgcl2 each dntps at a concentration of 0.2 mm and 1.25 iu of taq polymerase. The amplification will be carried out by pcr. The initial denaturation temperature is 95  °c for 5 min followed by 40 cycles at 94  °c for 1 min 55  °c for 1 min 72  °c for 1 min; final extension at 72  °c for 10 min and holding at 4  °c. The amplified products will be examined by electrophoresis in 1.5% agarose gels in tae buffer. Then the pcr product will be purified and will be sent for sequencing at macrogen company korea. The its sequence of fungus isolate will be used for blast search in the embl genbank database. The sequence of the isolate will be further aligned and compared to publish its region sequences searched with the taxonomy browser of the national center for biotechnology information ncbi and retrieved from genbank. Screening for mycogenic biosynthesis of ag-nps all the identified fungal species will be screened for the biogenic synthesis of ag-nps. For the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles the biomass of each isolated fungal species will be grown aerobically in cazpeks broth medium the inoculated flasks will be incubated on orbital shaker at 27 1  °c and with agitation at 150 rpm for 5 days. The fungal biomass then will be harvested after incubation by filtering using filter paper whatman no. 1 followed by three times of washing with distilled water to eradicate the residues of the medium from the biomass. Ten g fresh weight of mycelia will be added to 100 ml of sterilized double distilled water for 48 h at 27 1  °c in a 250 ml erlenmeyer flask with shaking again at 150 rpm. After the incubation the cell filtrate will be obtained by filtration through filter paper whatman no. 1. The filtrates will be inoculated with 1 mm silver nitrate agno3 solution and incubated at room temperature in dark abdel-hafez et al. 2016 the production of the nanoparticle will be checked visual by the changing the color into brown color. Cell-free filtrate without addition of silver nitrate will be severed as control. Purification of silver nanoparticles after formation the silver nanoparticles the agnps solution will be centrifuged at 10.000-14.000 rpm for 15-20 min. The supernatant will be excluded and the pellets will be dispersed with distilled water. This dispersion will be again centrifuged. The procedure will be repeated 3 times to clean agnps the free entities and unbound biological molecules. The purified formed pellets will be dried at 50-60  °c and stored in a brown-glass container for further characterization. Characterization of the biosynthesized silver nanoparticles the obtained silver nanoparticles will be characterized using different advanced tools including uv -visible spectroscopy at absorption curve range between 410-480 nm. Determining of size and shape of agnps by electron microscopy sem will be carried out. Particle sizing experiments will be carried out by means of laser diffract meter using zeta sizer nano-series nano zs the crystallinity of agnps will be confirmed by their xrd pattern. Ft-ir spectra will be recorded in the range 4000–500 cm?1. Uv-visible spectrometry measurement: Biotransformation of metal ions will be affirmed by uv–visible spectroscopy measurement. Labomed uv–vis double beam within the wave length ranged from 200 to 600 nm will be used mourato et al. 2011 x-ray diffraction xrd measurement: Xrd technique will be used for examination of quality of the prepared nanoparticles. Xrd pattern of the obtained nanoparticles on glass material will be estimated in wide selection of bragg angles 2? At a scanning rate of 20 min-1. Fourier transform infrared ft-ir spectrometry analysis: Sample containing nanoparticles will be scanned by ft-ir spectrometry using a spectrophotometer. Ft-ir spectra will be scanned in rang 4000–400 cm–1 in ftir spectrometry at a resolution of one cm-1. Transmission electron microscopy tem the morphology and size of produced nanoparticles will be determined using tem. Antimicrobial activity of the characterized nanoparticles antimicrobial activities of ag-nps will be performed by the agar well diffusion method in muller hinton agar plates selvamohan et al. 2012 human pathogenic bacterial species such as escherichia coli pseudomonas sp. Proteus mirabilis klebsiella pneumoniae and staphylococcus aureus will be used for the assay. The bacterial species will be grown in muller hinton broth at 37 oc for 24 h. The bacterial growth will be prepared on agar medium and wells will be cut using sterile cork borer. In to the wells agnp will be applied at different concentration and incubated at 37 oc. The plates will be examined for appearance of inhibition zone and then their diameter will be measured and will be compared with standard antibiotic such ciprofloxacin. Optimization of silver nanoparticles for large scale production and stable mycofabrication of agnps using fungi it is necessary to investigate the ideal physical and chemical parameters required for the production of effective and small sized agnps mishra et al. 2014 different parameters such hydrogen-ion-concentration ph temperature t  °c concentration of silver nitrate agno3 and time t of reaction will be studied. The absorbance of the resulting solution after color change will be measured using uv–vis spectrophotometer. For each condition respective controls will be maintained.the length of the text: 6244 (no spaces: 5243)get new reportthe uniqueness of the text: 65.1 %we strongly recommend not to use this text for academic purposes Â
Monday, September 16, 2019
Review Employees Files
Learning Team: Review Employees Files Shemika Williams, Maria Rios, Juakita Little, Yanelys Bobey HCS/341 October 8, 2012 Denise R. Holcomb Learning Team: Review Employees Files Bennie Bellamy: Had first occurrence of not taking patient’s vital signs on January 14thand 18th; then again on February 3rd and 6th. Bennie was talked to about this to see why he was not getting them and he stated that he did not have time. He had a year evaluation on May 20, 2003, in this he was rated a 1 for not following directions.The following year May 21, 2004 Bennie had improved tremendously and got all 2’s on his yearly review and got a 3% raise versus the 2% he got the year before. And in the 3rd year May 20, 2005 he was still improving, so after the incidents in 2003 Bennie made great improvement after being reprimanded for not taking vitals and he has not had a problem since. On February 7, 1997 King Lovell put in an application to work at Patton – Fuller Community Hospital. O n February 20, 1997, King Lovell received a letter from Patton – Fuller Community Hospital offering the RN Staff Nurse position.King official start date was March 17, 1997. King Lovell received his annual employee evaluation in 1998 by the RN Staff Nurse. In his general evaluation different job specifics were evaluated. King in 12 different occasions was late and his dependability was unacceptable. For the first evaluation, King was informed to enroll in documentation classes that were going to start within that month due to needing some work. Another occasion there were two occasion were the wrong patient almost received wrong medicine.Due to that incident, King was instructed to take a refresher course on medication administration that was being offered in July. On August 12, 1998, King Lovell had a corrective action form by human resource personnel. This was the first conference, King was continuing to be late to work, violating the attendance policy, receiving complaints about rude behavior towards the doctor, failed to sign, and continuing to have medication errors and not helping other co-workers. King Lovell received to verbal warnings on July 10 and August 2 but the problem is still occurring.King was informed by management of the following: It is expected that you will be to work on time. It is expected that you will show courtesy to staff, physicians, patients and their families, rudeness will not be tolerated. It is expected that you will complete all entries in the patient’s record and that you will properly sign all notations at least once on each shift. King received another annual evaluation in 1999, where his attendance, attitude, and dependability were still lacking.Due to lack of improvement over the last year’s evaluation, he was terminated. The files show due diligence was followed and given in different occasion by informing King Lovell to take additional classes to improve his job performance and was also given verbal warnings to improve, but the employee failed to show improvement and continued to lack. On March 10, 2007 Louise McFate applied for the position of Director of Infection Control at Patton-Fuller Community Hospital.On May 9, 2007 Louise McFate received a hire Letter from PFCH offering her the position of Director of Infection Control with an official start date of July 11, 2007. On October 12, 2007, Louise McFate received her 90 day evaluation and received a rating of 2. 0 (Acceptable) in all areas. On January 14, 2008, McFate received her 6 months evaluation and again received a rating of 2. 0 in all areas. On July 14, 2008 McFate received her first annual review and received an improved overall score of 2. 17.Unfortunately, on November 7, 2008 Louise McFate received a corrective action form stating that the Joint Commission issued a Request for Improvement on a needle disposal violation found during their visit. Although this is McFate’s first and only corrective action they did advise her to continue to establish procedures to prevent any further needle disposal violations. Louise McFate did not sign this corrective action form because she did not agree with it and believes she was singled out unfairly because Mr.Adair from the joint Commission targeted her in retaliation after she declined a dinner invitation from him. This does require investigation from the organization to determine if indeed there was a violation made or if in fact it was in retaliation towards McFate. In the meanwhile, McFate needs to keep on her toes because this still goes in her file and there may not be a way to prove it. According to McFate there is no need for due diligence and they haven’t followed up with her progress or had any other incidents following this one.On March 15, 1995 Alva Branham filled out an application for a Security Officer position for Patton-Fuller C ommunity Hospital. Five days later, on March 20, 1995, Branham received a hire letter from Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. Branham official start date would be on April 3, 1995 as followed with orientation dates. Branham annual employee evaluation came up on April 9, 1996 by the Manager of Security. Over the years Branham annual employee evaluation scores has become decreased in some employee evaluations.On one of Branham employee evaluations, it was commented by the Manager that Branham has misplaced company radios and also not being available for central control or other staff to get up with you especially in an emergency. Branham has also been missing 15 days of work over the past 8 ? months which is unacceptable and in violation of the attendance policy. On January 4, 1998, Branham had her first conference with the human resource department to go over the corrective action form.Branham had her second conference of corrective action on February 20, 1998 which stated she didnâ⠂¬â„¢t use proper policy and procedures of logging patient items when a patient is discharged from the hospital. Branham was then notified again about all policy and procedures. After the last issue, Branham was then warned that if another occurrence happens within the next 3 months that further corrective action will be taken and lastly even termination. Reference University of Phoenix. (2011). Patton- Fuller Community Hospital Virtual Organization. Retrieved from: https://ecampus. phoenix. edu
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Developing effective communication in health and social care Essay
To make my communication interactions with the service user’s in one-to one interaction and group interactions effective I did not use any slang or jargon with the service user’s because we were having a formal interaction therefore the use or jargon or slang was not suitable there. I had to use good communication skills to get my point across clearly and effectively just to make sure that each of them understood what I was talking about. I feel that there should always be a care worker-service user relationship between people in day care centre’s. Effective communications with the service users is related to positive outcomes. Tone of voice is a type of verbal communication. I had to have an appropriate tone of voice as this would enable the service user to feel comfortable with me while the task was proceeding. I used a clear and calm tone of voice as this helps create a positive atmosphere and assists the service user’s to ask each other or me any questions they have and it helps them to understand what to do, whereas if my tone of voice was loud and aggressive then the service user’s would not felt comfortable with me and they would got scared of me, this may well have led them to getting upset and having to leave the interaction as soon as possible. My tone of voice was normal because I could not speak quietly and slow because the service users would not have got the message but it was not loud either. My tone of voice was very clear and the students who participated in the interaction heard my voice clearly. This tone of voice enabled the interaction between me and the three other service user’s to flow nicely and the message that I was trying to put across was interpreted by the service users in a positive way. I knew that they had received the message of what to do as they began to paint straight after my instruction before they had started the task. I was also being very talkative as when the service users would stop I would just talk to them during each stage of their painting and ask them how they are doing whether or not they are finding the task difficult, I was also making it fun and enjoyable for them to do because I was complementing their hard work and effort which they put in their paintings. Therefore their confidence would have increased enabling them in join in the interaction. If they were having any problems I would help them solve them. If I had not done that then questions may have not been invited, some of the service user’s may not be able to interpret the information and some may not have heard or understood the messages clearly. I encouraged the students to use more eye-contact because when some of the students were talking, they were looking at other distractions like their peers playing or talking. The messages that I gave to the service users in my group were all given objectively and they were factual and informative. I used signs such as thumbs up (meaning good) and open palm (meaning stop) during the interaction, as signs can often promote effective communication and reduce barriers to interactions. One-to-one communication- Reading a book with a service user With the one-to one and communication interaction that I had with Nicky out chairs were put opposite one another so that we were able to see and hear each other clearly. This enabled myself and Nicky to feel comfortable around each other has we had didn’t no each other well enough. If we were to close to one another we may have felt uncomfortable or shy with each other which then would have led to Nicky having a negative experience with me. I used verbal communication when I explained to Nicky what he had to do for the task. There should also be a little proximity between us because if there was not much space between each other, then the atmosphere might have become too hot and unbearable which might have caused Nicky to get bored and tired easily with the reading. Leaving enough proximity, between the both of us allowed us to sit and feel comfortable; this led us to talk properly to each other without anyone interrupting or distracting our conversation as we our personal space. I used good facial expressions and body language with Nicky so that he thinks I am a friendly person and so he becomes more comfortable with me. Most of the time, Each time he read correctly I would complement him on well he was doing and I also would put my thumb put and say â€Å"excellent†to boost his confidence a little more. This helped create more of a positive atmosphere to be in. his tone on voice when he was reading showed me that he was trying his best and was really enjoying it. I used a lot of eye contact which actually showed Nicky that I was listening to him and that I understood what he was reading to me. I used appropriate eye-contact to enable him to listen and understand me properly. Eye-contact help a lot in a one-to-one basis because when listening to someone expressing their point of view, eye-contact is very essential and shows that the listener is listening and understanding what person actually speaking is saying. At the end of the reading session I spoke to Nicky about the level of reading ability he is on and I also asked him to speak to me about any difficulties and anything he is uncertain about in the book, this helped me to him more confidence to speak up loud and it also empowered him. I had to use interpersonal skills when I was telling Nicky he had made a few mistakes during his reading time which is why it lead to him ignoring that and getting embarrassed and wrong -footed. Interpersonal skills are people interacting with each other. Interpersonal skills involve the ability to work with others around.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Principles and Practices of Management Essay
Planning is the determination of the course of the objectives of a business, division or department to achieve maximum profit effectiveness, the establishment of policies and the continuous seeking and finding of new ways to do things. Implementing applies to the doing phases. After plans have been prepared, personnel must be selected and assigned their jobs; they must be trained and motivated to perform properly. Activities must be implemented in terms of the plans initially developed. This may include I. Selecting personnel II. Training personnel III. Motivating personnel IV. Delegation, V. Direction VI. Coordinating. Controlling refers to the evaluation of the performance of those who are responsible for executing the plans agreed upon. This may include: I. Controlling adherence to plans, and II. Appraising performance 2. Principles of Management Fayol has given fourteen principles of management. These principles are as fallows 1. Division of work: Fayol has advocated division of work to take the advantage of specialization. According to him, ‘specialization belongs to the natural order. The worker always works on the same matters, the manager concerned always with the same matters; acquire an ability, sureness, and accuracy, which increase their output’. Each change of work brings in it training and adaptation, which reduces output. Thus, division of work can be applied at all levels in the organization. However, he has recognized the limitations of division of work and has advocated that experience and sense of proportion will decide the extent to which division of work can be utilized fruitfully. 2. Authority and Responsibility: The authority and responsibility are related, with the latter the corollary of the former and arising from the former. He finds authority as a continuation of official and personnel factors. Official authority is derived from the manager’s position and personal authority is derived from intelligence, experience, moral worth, past services, etc. Responsibility arises out of assigning the work. 3. Discipline: All the personnel serving in the organization should be disciplined. Discipline is obedience, application, energy, behavior, and outward mark of respect shown by employees. Discipline can be classified into two types: self-imposed discipline and command discipline. The former springs form within the individual and are in the nature of spontaneous response to a skillful leader. Command discipline stems from a recognized authority and utilizes deterrents to secure compliance with a desired action, which is expressed by established customs, rules, and regulations. The ultimate strength of command discipline lies in its certainty of application. 4. Unity of command: Unity of command means a person in the organization should receive orders from only one superior. The more completely an individual has a reporting relationship to a single superior, the less the problem of conflict in instructions and the greater the feeling of personal responsibility for results. The principle of unity of command Is useful in the clarification of authority-responsibility relationship. 5. Unity of Direction Unity of direction means ‘one unit and one plan’. According to this principle, each group of activities with same objectives with same objective must have one head and one plan. The unity of direction is different from unity of command in the sense that former is concerned with the functioning of body corporate; the latter is concerned with personnel at all level. Unity of direction is provided for by sound organization of the body corporate, unity of command turn on the functioning of the personnel. Unity of command exists without unity of direction, but does not flow from it. 6. Subordination of individual to general interest: Command interest is above the individual interest and when there is conflict between these two, the common interest must prevail. However, factors like ambition, laziness, weakness etc. tend to reduce the importance of general interest. 7. Remuneration of Personnel: Remuneration and methods of payment should be fair and provide maximum possible satisfaction to employees and employers. 8. Centralization: Everything, which goes to increase the importance of the subordinate’s role, is decentralization; everything, which goes to reduce it, is centralization. Without using the term ‘centralization of authority’. This pattern is determined by individual circumstances and should be based on optimum utilization of all faculties of the personnel. 9. Scalar Chain: There should be a scalar chain of authority and communication ranging from the highest to lowest positions. It suggests that each communication going up or coming down must flow through each position in the line of authority. It can be short-circuited only in special circumstances when its rigid following would be determined to the organization. For this purpose, Fayol has suggested ‘gang palnk’ , which is used to prevent the scalar chain from bogging down action. 10. Order: Both material order and social order are necessary. The former minimizes lost time and useless handling of materials. The latter is achieved through organization and selection. 11. Equity: In running a business a combination of kindliness and justice is needed. Treating employees well is important to achieve equity. 12. Stability of Tenure of Personnel: Employees work better if job security and career progress are assured to them. An insecure tenure and a high rate of employee turnover will affect the organization adversely. 13. Initiative: Allowing all personnel to show their initiative in some way is a source of strength for the organization. Even though it may well involve a sacrifice of personnel vanity on the part of many managers. 14. Espirt de Corps: Management must foster the morale of its employees. â€Å"Real talent is needed the coordinate effort, encourage keenness, use each person’s abilities and reward each one’s merit without arousing possible jealousness and disturbing harmonious relations†. Techniques of Effective Coordination The basic objective of all managerial functions is to get things done by coordinated efforts of others. Thus, every function leads to coordination. However, following are the specific techniques for achieving coordination: Coordination by Chain of Command: In an organization, the chain of command is the most important methods of coordination. Superior, because of his organizational position, has the authority to issue orders and instructions to his subordinates. Weber has indicated that in a controlled administration coordination is achieved. Coordination by Leadership: Leadership brings individual motivation and persuades the group to have identified of interests and outlook in group efforts. Ordway Tead has stated that top management should practice leadership because without it, no coordination can be achieved. In fact, whatever is necessary for effective leadership is also required for coordination. Coordination by Effective Communication: Communication helps to developing understanding between individuals or groups among whom coordination is to be achieved. Through communication, every person understands his scope and limits of functioning, authority and responsibility, and relationship with others. Thus, effective communication provides horizontal as well as vertical coordination if there is free and adequate flow of communication in all directions.-horizontal, vertical, upward and downward. Communication to be effective does not require only a communication network but to keep the network free from any barrier, which effects flow of messages adversely. Coordination by Committees: Committees are the body of persons entrusted with discharging some functions collectively as group. Some committees have the authority to take decisions and others make recommendations only. The decisions of the committees are group decisions and the persons whose departments are affected by decisions generally constitute the committees. Thus the decisions themselves provide coordination among various functions of the organization. Coordination by General Staff: Generally, in big organizations there is general staff meant for coordination. This staff employs a central position in communication network. All the heads of departments and sections send the various information to this center. This center stores the information and sends to various departments’ only relevant and related information. This center, because of its specialized knowledge, is able to assess the relevance and need of various information for a department. Thus, the coordination is achieved by supplying inter-departmental information. Special Coordinators: In some organizations, special coordinators are appointed for coordinating some special activities. For example, in a particular project, along with various functionaries, a project coordinator is appointed. His basic function is to coordinate various activities of the project and to keep information about the development of project so that he can provide it to the party concerned for which the project Is being completed. Such projects are generally taken on contract basis which are to be completed within the specified time. Self-coordination: This principles states that a particular department affects other departments and in turn is affected by them. However, this department has no control over others. In such a case, if other departments modify their actions in such a way that this affects the particular department favorably, self-coordination is achieved. This requires effective communication across the department so that they are able to appreciate the functioning of related departments. However, this method is not free from limitations and shortcomings, and in the organization, favorable climate and environment need to be created for self-control. Features of an Open Door Organization 1) An open door organization is task oriented. The accountability is clearly defined. 2) The authority (within the related functional area) is also absolute (or nearly so) matching the absolute character of the accountability. 3) Consultations are minimum and are not compulsive; the executive is free to consult and communicate (or otherwise) so long as he performs and delivers the objective. 4) Rules and procedures exist but only as guides-the executives (within their sphere of responsibilities) having wide freedom of discretion to depart from the rules within the periphery of the broad corporate policies. 5) The accountability is clear-cut; objective is verifiable – in terms of cost, output target, time and profit. The means are (relatively) unimportant so long as the end is achieved. 6) The managerial behavior is highly flexible bending with lithe suppleness to the internal shifts in conditions and external maneuvers of the environmental zone of contract.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Constitutional Criminal Procedure Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Constitutional Criminal Procedure - Assignment Example Furthermore, Felonies can be defined as the criminal offence which is considered to be a serious illegal performance from legal law of the United States. Misdemeanors can be stated as the criminal offences those are less serious from the US criminal law viewpoint. Moreover, the prevailed case scenario i.e. keeping illegal amphetamines comes under the Felonies offences. According to the federal government legal law, the convicted people in the prevailed case can be charged under Harrison Act of 1914. 38 Stat. 785, the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 and Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970.21 U. S. C. A. 801et Seq. (841, 844 and 823) along with Uniform Controlled Substance Act: 1910, 1990 and 1994 (Scheb and Scheb II 271-274). To a certain extent, a person can keep or manufacture the amphetamine medicine because it is also used for curing certain diseases for which a person is allowed to hold 5 grams of amphetamine. However, in doing so, the person should hold a license or permissi on or prescription from the government or doctor. Furthermore, if the person is found to be not having any valid license or permission or exceeding the permissible level of possession then the person can be termed as guilty. The person found guilty under these Acts can be charged with penalty or imprisonment under the US legal law (Scheb 271-274). Application of the Law According to the defined acts and laws under the US legal law, the detained people in the presented case can be charged or convicted with penalty or imprisonment because they did not have any proper license or permission from the government. This is because a large number of capsules of prohibited amphetamines were found in a plastic bag from Jimmy Jaffers when the search was conducted by the police (Scheb and Scheb II 480-492). The discussion of the presented case is illustrated with a related case example stating about the charges and the tenure of the imprisonment for a convict caught under the amphetamines posses sion act. The identified case was put into trial on 13 September, 1988 where Boyd Barksdale was the defendant. In this case, it was observed that Boyd Barksdale was caught by the police while serving amphetamines to a person. In that raid, police recovered a 0.38 caliber Taurus revolver along with 250.7 grams of amphetamines as well as 0.18 gram of paraphernalia from the car. Subsequently, the offenders had been charged under the â€Å"Title 21, United States Code, Section 841(a)(1) and Title 18, United States Code, Section 2†because they had violated the legal law enacted by the US government. Furthermore, when Boyd Barksdale proved to be the culpable person, he was sentenced to seventy two months of imprisonment (Justia, â€Å"968 F.2d 1216: United States of America, Plaintiff-appellee, v. Boyd Barksdale, Defendant-Appellant†). In keeping with the example case, the convicts Harry Hampton and Jimmy Jaffers in existing case can also be charged with the similar tenure of imprisonment or more along with other penalties. This is because Harry Hampton and Jimmy Jaffers were caught red-handed by the police in the raid and both were found with amphetamines crossing the permitted levels that can be possessed by a person in terms of grams along with certain equipment that can be used for manufacturing the drug. Furthermore, they can also be charg
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