Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Interest Group Essay - 1015 Words
An interest group is a group that seeks a collective good, the achievement of which will not selectively and materially benefit the membership or activists of the organization. These organizations try to achieve at least some of their goals with government assistance. The difference between interest groups and political parties is that political parties seek to constitute the government, whereas interest groups try only to influence it. Some of the things that interests groups seek from government are information that affects the interests of the interest group, influence of the government policy, goodwill of the administrators who carry out the policy, and symbolic status. Some of the sources of interest group strength are†¦show more content†¦Public interest lobbies form a linkage element between citizens and governmental elites. In lobbying they articulate what they perceive to be the issue positions of certain sectors of society. Public interest groups also play an impor tant role in facilitating the political participation of their members and related attentive publics. By helping to bring new issues to the table, interest groups influence the shape of political agendas. There are three basic reasons why government officials and their staffers will take the first step in contacting an interest group. First, interest groups may be the target of efforts to enlist them as supporters of a particular policy position. A member of Congress or an agency head may feel that a policy he is pushing is not receiving the backing it should from the private sector. He may try to persuade representatives of interest groups to become more active on behalf of the cause. Second, interest groups are valuable sources of political intelligence. They can provide information concerning the lobbying activities of all other interest groups, pros and cons, on the issue at hand. They can also act as eyes and ears for their friends in government. Third, people in government may come to interest groups for the purpose of obtaining substantive data with regard to an issue. Congressional and agency staffs rarely have time to gather all the information they need on their own. In terest groups can be useful inShow MoreRelatedInterest Groups593 Words  | 3 PagesErin Rocker AP Gov Per 4 10/30/13 Interest Groups Litigation- the act or process of bringing or contesting a legal action in court. Litigation is used to put pressure on officials in order to achieve their goals. Legal strategies are used to affect public opinion on certain issues that the interest group is advocating. In addition to litigation, interest groups also use the media to make their stand on certain issues known to the general public. Campaign Contributions-refers to all funds raisedRead MoreInterest Groups2248 Words  | 9 PagesWEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT Interest Groups Professor Karina Arzumanova U.S. Goverment An Interests Group is defined as an organization of people or a letterhead organization, sharing a common interest or goal that seeks to influence the making of public policy. In the American political system, there are a wide variety of interest groups that are organized for the sole purpose of exerting influence on the political and legal systems. These groups play a central role in deciding whoRead MoreCharacteristics Of An Interest Group1471 Words  | 6 Pagesidea of having interest groups, groups that are supposed to represent the ideas of the majority of society. Interest groups have representatives pressure policy makers to make policies based off what the people want. That’s what democracy is having the majority vote decide what goes on in country. The characteristics of an interest group seem to correlate with all the values of representative democracy, a person represents a common interest within a group of people Interest groups started as earlyRead MoreThe Expansion Of Interest Groups747 Words  | 3 PagesThe emergence of interest groups in the European Union weakened the union’s overall power ; however, many politicians collaborate with them to gain an advantage. It is important to remember that interest groups are private firms, who can allocate their resources to provide studies for political actors. Interest groups provide â€Å"policymaking expertise, and implementation and monitoring capacity, the potential for a consolidated collective viewpoint, and the potential to enhance legitimacy â€Å"(Bache,Read MoreInterest Groups in Taxation1540 Words  | 7 PagesWashington is considered by the American public as interest groups. Even James Madison described them in the federalist papers he wrote in 1787 as â€Å"factions†that could be dangerous. The modern day hasn’t changed much. People today largely agree with Madison in how they view interest groups. What interest groups do, how they are supported, and what their stances are an interesting mix of controversy, clash, and representation. Interest groups are there to represent the people, usually a portionRead MoreInterest Groups Essay990 Words  | 4 PagesAn interest group is an organized group of people that come together to attempt to influence policymakers in any level of government. They influence the different levels of government by giving money to a political candidate. They write letters, emails, and make phone calls to the policymakers. They attempt to get the policymakers to make legislation reflecting the objectives of the group (This Nation, 2008). Americans choose to join these interest groups because they are motivated by the groupsRead MoreAmerican Interest Groups3651 Words  | 15 PagesHow do interest groups influence policy? Use examples to illustrate your answer. â€Å"Interest groups are no less a threat than they are an expression of freedom†(Berry, 1984). We start this essay with this famous quote from Berry introducing us to what exactly an interest group is. Indeed in general, public opinion and people unaware of an interest group’s actions might regard interest groups in a negative light. The more famous interest groups can tend to generate a lot of negativeRead MoreThe Effects of Interest Groups on Politics1436 Words  | 6 PagesInfluence of interest groups on the American legislature We elect politicians on the basis on the issues by which they stand, and these issues are either held up or weakened by the numerous interest groups that exist today. Interest groups target both major and minor issues, using all of their resources to sponsor or overpower the groups concern. Interest groups are composed of a limited range of the body of voters who have a great stake in the issues their group support. They make evidentRead MorePolitical Parties And Interest Groups940 Words  | 4 Pagesparties and interest groups are able to get citizens to participate in politics and political party participants or interest group members. This is a comparison and contrast paper. The following will be a comparison between political parties and interest groups. Three points will be mentioned. The first point will be the purpose, the second will be the role they play and finally three strategies parties and interest groups use to get people to participate. A political party is a group of well-dedicatedRead MorePolitical Parties And Interest Groups1088 Words  | 5 Pagesparties and interest groups are able to get citizens to participate in politics and political party participants or interest group members. This is a comparison and contrast paper. The following will be a comparison between political parties and interest groups. Three points will be mentioned. The first point will be the purpose, the second will be the role they play and finally three strategies parties and interest groups use to get people to participate. A political party is a group of dedicated
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Aaron Beck, An American Psychiatrist - 1188 Words
Aaron Beck is an American psychiatrist and a professor emeritus in the department of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania ( Beck has had an interest in the changes of human nature goes as far back as he can remember. Beck is known as a trailblazer in the psychology world because he focused on disoriented thoughts that lead to problematic behaviors such as depression. â€Å"Beck struggled to find a way to help his depressed clients better capture their emotions. He realized that many of his depressed clients experienced recurring negative thoughts and that as long as they believed these thoughts to be true, they would continue to have symptoms of depression†( Beck spent much of his career at the University of Pennsylvania and advocated for the application of cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of depression and other mood problems ( What is depression? According to Psychology Today: â€Å"Depression is an illness that increasingly afflicts people worldwide, interfering with concentration, motivation and many other aspects of human everyday functioning. It is a complex disorder, involving many systems of the body, including the immune system, either as cause or effect. Depression disrupts sleep, and loss of appetite, in some cases it causes weight loss, in other cases it cause weight gain. Because of its complexity, a full understanding of depression has been elusive. Depression involves mood and thoughts as well asShow MoreRelatedAaron Beck Youngest Of Five Children1634 Words  | 7 PagesAaron Beck youngest of five children was born in July 18, 1921 he is an American psychiatrist and a professor emeritus in the department of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. He graduated as an exemplary student from Brown University in 1994, he also earned the William Gaston prize for excellence in Oratory and the Francis Wayland scholarship. Beck continued his studies at Yale University where he earned his medical degree in 1946 (GoodTherapy). Aaron Beck is an American psychiatristRead MoreNarcissistic Personality Disorder and Aarons Cognitive Behavior Therapy1510 Words  | 6 Pagespopularity and favors with people. However, they are unable to maintain the relationship for the long run. Diagnosis of the disorder Personality disorders like the one in case here are always diagnosed by trained psychologists or even the psychiatrists and not by the family physicians and general practitioners as they are not well trained to handle the cases. It is also worth noting that there is no laboratory where such cases are diagnosed nor any genetic or blood tests that are carried outRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of A Depressive Disorder1591 Words  | 7 Pagesdaily activities, significant weight loss or gain, insomnia or excessive sleeping, lack of energy, inability to concentrate, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt and recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.†(American Psychological Association) Depression affects 20-25% of Americans ages 18+ in a given year. (CDC) Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. (WHO) There are different types of Depressive disorders. Many of the different types of depressive disorders are Major DepressionRead MoreBehavioral Theory Of Cognitive Therapy795 Words  | 4 Pagess behaviors, whether overt or covert), by changing the patient s cognitions; early proponents of cognitive therapy were Aaron (Tim) Beck, known for his cognitive theory of depression, and Albert Ellis who practiced what he called rational-emotive psychotherapy. In 2006, Beck received the prestigious Lasker Award for clinical research -- the first ever given to a psychiatrist for research on treatment. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Even with the new mentalism of cognitive psychology, the goalRead MoreThe Generation Of Young Professionals1375 Words  | 6 Pagesconscious of logic and reality driven personality and the deeper unconscious filled with internal instincts and drives. Erik Erikson wrote on personality development in African American culture in the article A Memorandum on Identity and Negro Youth. While this article was full of language used to describe African Americans that would never be tolerated today, it was written from the perspective of an educated, white psychologist during the time of the Civil Rights Movement during the 1960s. ThereforeRead MoreA Synopsis Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Ashley Compton.1772 Words  | 8 Pagestheory focuses on external-environmental conflict. These same researchers have traced the history of development of Cognitive Behavior Therapy back to Aaron Beck, a psychiatrist, and Albert Ellis, a clinical psychologist, back in the 1960’s. However, it was not until recently (around 1993) that the term behavior was wedded to the cognitive therapy term. Beck and Ellis focused primarily on Cognitive Therapy and Rational-Emotive Therapy, respectively, while acknowledging behaviorism within their works. Sin ceRead MorePsychological Measure2049 Words  | 9 PagesMeasure Team B examines the aspects of psychological tests and measurements by focusing on the Beck Depression Inventory. Examining the two articles over the Beck Depression Inventory aids Team B in deciding services, servers, and backgrounds of the measure. The psychological testing that has developed and progressed and is used in a wide variety of settings by a wide variety of individuals is called the Beck Depression Inventory. Testing aids in serving professionals in figuring out sickness or deficiencyRead MoreSchlossberg s Transition Theory Model792 Words  | 4 Pageswho made connections with clubs and organizations their first year showed a significant increase in psychosocial development their freshman year in college (Foubert Grainger, 2006). Cognitive Theory Cognitive therapy was developed by psychiatrist Aaron T. Beck, and is a type of psychotherapy designed to help individuals with mental disabilities. Cognitive Behavioral Theory (CBT) is intended to treat a wide variety of individuals with mental health problems. The theory is based on cognition, emotionRead MoreDifferent Types Of Diversified Therapies869 Words  | 4 Pagessocial stigma that people who see therapists or take medication are â€Å"crazy†or are â€Å"unable to control themselves.†However in many cases, this is not true in the slightest. For many people, it may be shocking to know that today over 20 percent of Americans have seen (or do see) a therapist and 20 percent are on medication for anxiety or depression. Those who see a therapist should have nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, many people do not seek therapeutic solutions simply because they are not awareRead MoreAnalysis Of Three Models Theories Of Classroom Management1330 Words  | 6 Page seffectiveness (Lyons, et, al., 2006). Cognitive behaviour theory Two of the earliest forms of Cognitive behavioural therapy were Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), developed by Albert Ellis in the 1950s, and Cognitive Therapy, developed by Aaron T. Beck in the 1960s (McLeod, 2015). Joseph Kaplan and Jane Carter’ cognitive behaviour theory (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that helps the person to change unhelpful and unhealthy habits of thinking, feeling and behaving. It involves using positive
Nursing Care Plan and Evaluation Free Essays
Instructions: 1. The nursing care plan evaluation is based upon the application of criteria appropriate for the student’s skill set. 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing Care Plan and Evaluation or any similar topic only for you Order Now All nursing care plans must be typed (Times New Roman, 12 point font). The nursing care plan form is available on Blackboardâ„ ¢ in each clinical course. 3. The grading rubric must be attached – last page of nursing care plan. 4. All relevant assessment tools used (physical, psychological, or psychiatric i.e. Braden Skin Assessment, Fall Risk) must be attached. HIPAA (Health Information Privacy and Protection Act) mandates all health care providers protect patient privacy. Only information that the patient specifically releases may be shared with others. Only professional persons (students and instructors) involved in care are allowed access to the health care information. The student should be cautious about what information is shared verbally and with whom. If the student is approached for patient information by someone who purports to have authority, the best course of action is to refer that individual to the appropriate administrative personnel. IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF INDIANA – REGION 6 NURSING PROGRAM NURSING HISTORY PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT FORM Student _________________________ Date of Care __1-26-2010 to 1-27______ Facility/Unit _Oncology_BMH___ Instructor Health History Biographical Data: Patient’s Initials _DH___ Age __79__ Gender__F__ Martial status: Widow__ DOB: _7/29/1930__________ Birthplace: Randolph County__ Ethnic origin/Race: _Caucasian_ Occupation: previous factory worker_ Work status : retired_________ Educational background __High school______________ History source initials ___Pt__ Relationship to client __self__________________ Transcultural Considerations: (Time, space, touch, value orientation, language considerations, spiritual beliefs, education level) Pt speaks English. High school was the highest education received. She worked at a factory for years and then quit to stay home and raise her two kids. Special Needs: Walker Reasons for Seeking Care: (Brief statement in patient’s words that describes reason for visit – Chief Complaint) Pt states she is here due to her ovarian cancer. Past Health History: Approximate hospitalization dates: 1/17/2010 Serious or Chronic Illnesses (Approximate onset): Pt has a hx of: HTN, gallbladder disease, hiatal hernia, ulcers, diabetes type 2, hypothyroidism, depression, ovarian cancer, arthritis, migraines, cataracts and a right leg fx. Pt has also had these surgeries: hysterectomy, appendectomy, cataracts, cholecystectomy, colon resection, hernia, thyroidectomy, tonsillectomy, and adenoidectomy. Obstetric Rotation Current Obstetric Assessment: Gravidity ______ Term ______ Preterm ______ Abortions ______ Living ______ Blood Type _____ Rh Factor _____ LMP _______ EDC _______ RhoGAM Status ______ DTR ________ (if applicable) Date Time of Delivery __________________________________ Type of Delivery ___ SVD ___ Forceps ____ Vacuum ____ Cesarean Section ___________ Anesthesia/Analgesia _______ EBL Perineum: ______ Intact ______ Episiotomy _____ Laceration Location__________________ Please note any current obstetrical problems/complications (GDM, pre-eclampsia, etc.) Please note any past obstetrical problems/complications: (Condition, duration, treatment) Infant Data: Gender ___________Apgar Score ___ / ___ Gestational Age _____weeks Cord Vessels_____ Feeding method ______ Weight at Birth _______ Length at Birth ________ Blood Type Rh ______ Direct Coombs ________ (if known) Complications at Delivery: Attachment Behaviors: Allergies: Medications: _Vaseline, Tetanus, Penicillin, Codeine, Aspirin, Morphine, Sulfa ___________ What kind of reaction was experienced: __Rash, hives, facial swelling, Headache, _______ Foods: ___NA________________________________________________________________ What kind of reaction was experienced:_Na_________________________________________ Contact: __NA________________________________________________________________ What kind of reaction was experienced:__NA________________________________________ Current Home Medications: (all prescription, over the counter, home and herbal remedies, include trade or generic name, dose, and frequency) Reason for taking medication (patient stated). 1. Lisinopril 20 mg 1 tab q pm daily- lowers BP 2. Levothyroxine 100 mcg 1 tab qdsync daily- thyroid replacement 3. Ondansetron IV 4-8 mg q6hr or PRN- nausea med 4. Sennosides 8.6 mg 1 tab daily- for constipation 5. Polyethylene glycol 17 gr powder daily take with 8 oz of water- for constipation 6. Demecloclycline 300 mg 1 tab TID- tx of bacteria 7. Nystatin 5 mL QID swish and spit- tx of fungus 8. Insulin Reg (Human) PRN with sliding scale- for diabetes 9. Promethazine 12.5 +5mL q8hr dilute with 9mL NS prior to IV with max rate 25mg/min – helps with nausea and used for antihistamine 10. Hydromorphine brand: Dilaudid 2 mg q2hr or PRN- per pain Substance use: (Frequency and amount) Tobacco ___Past hx for 40+ years _________ Alcohol ___hx of occasional ____________________________________________ Illicit drugs __none____________________________________________________________ Family History: (Health status or cause of death of blood relatives displayed in a genogram format) Family Social Support Systems: Pt has a daughter and son that visit her daily. She also has a granddaughter that visits a few times. Physical Assessment Primary Medical Diagnosis: _______Hyposmality___________________________________________________________________ Secondary Medical Diagnoses: __Ovarian Ca Height __5’5†______ Weight ___182_____ Head Circumference (if 2 yrs of age) _________________ TPR _98.5 – 66 – 28_____ B/P __142/77____ Pain Score ___10___Pain Goal __0___ BMI ___30_______ Oxygen Saturation _92____ Supplemental Oxygen _2L___ Diet: __general with 1500 ml fluid restriction____Consumption % __less than 10% General Appearance: Pt is a 79 year old female with gray hair. She is sitting up on the BSC with a pillow behind her back and a pillow in her hands pressing against her abd. Breakfast tray is sitting in front of her but she is unwilling to eat. Pt states she â€Å"just hurts so bad from the constipation.†Pain meds had already been given to her. Patient’s Health Promotion Activities At Home: Pt uses a walker at home. Site Assessment of Invasive Lines and Drainage Tubes: (Note location, type, and findings) PICC line in right upper chest with no signs of redness or bruising. There is an IV in her upper right arm that has some bruising. Mental Status – General Impression: (attach screening tool/results if used) A O X3. Pt sometimes seems to be a little confused. Skin, Hair Nails: Braden Scale Score: ___19 LOW _______ (attached) Skin is warm/dry/intact. Pt has a bruise over her left antecubital area and on top of left hand due to a previous IV. She has a scar from her gallbladder surgery that is still healing with no signs of infection. She also has an appendectomy scar from a previous surgery years ago. Hair is full and thick. Nails of both upper and lower extremities are yellow with cap refill. How to cite Nursing Care Plan and Evaluation, Papers
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