Tuesday, December 31, 2019
New College Compact Or College For All Act - 1555 Words
New College Compact or College for All Act? The 2016 Democratic Party presidential primaries and caucuses are a series of ongoing heated battles between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. One of the most prominent topic is the issue of student debt. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, student loans have quadrupled since 2004, to $1.2 trillion (Brown). This insurmountable debt is an astronomical problem for Americans today and more so, for future Americans. College tuition has been rising for the past 40 years and will continue to do so exponentially. In an asset management report done by J.P.Morgan in 2014, the firm projects the cost of private universities to be at roughly $90,000, and $40,000 for public four-year universities in the year of 2030 (Badkar). If the government remains dormant toward this issue, college students 20 years from now, will be burdened with an even larger amount of debt. The average American’s financial ability and confidence are being crushed by this mountain of student debt. In turn, more and more people are not able to purchase their own house or start their own business due to the pressure of paying back their overwhelming student loans. Likewise, many entrepreneurs are hesitant to start their own businesses because of the large amount of student debt that they have accumulated. Given that 60 percent of jobs in the United States are created by small businesses, many potential business owners are not able to establish their ownShow MoreRelatedThe 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primaries And Caucuses1487 Words  | 6 Pagesbattle between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. One of the most prominent topic is the issue of student debt. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, student loans have quadrupled since 2004, to $1.2 trillion (Brown). 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Forensic Investigation On The Criminal Justice System
Forensic investigation is the application of scientific technology and procedures used in the establishment and investigation of criminal evidence and facts that are to be analyzed and later used in the criminal justice system. It is a broad field that encompasses major professional organizations that helps in combating crimes through the provision of forensic labs where the analysis of investigation is carried out. The forensic criminal investigation agencies are mandated with the collection of evidence from crime scene and later analyze for use the criminal justice system. However, there are forensic procedures used to collect and process the forensic evidence from electronic devices. The procedures have to follow the fourth and Fifth†¦show more content†¦They have to consider whether the seizure violates the expectations of individual privacy. The team has to vividly outline the reasons as to why they expect to get reliable information from the electronics. They have to consider the extent by which the search violates the legitimate expectations of the individual privacy. The investigators should understand that the individual has expectation of privacy of the information stored in these electronic devices. This validates the electronic devices to be treated as like a briefcase. The fourth amendment prohibits the forensic investigator from accessing the information stored in digital devices that would violate the individual’s expectation of privacy. Actually, the suspect has a reasonable expectation of privacy ass the devices are at his home. This will mean that the investigators have to obtain a warrant of search before accessing the information stored in the devices. The Fifth Amendment prohibits the forensic investigator from forcing the suspect to provide any information that is treated against him in court as evidence. The amendment provides the suspect with individual privileges for against self-incrimination. Therefore, the investigator does not have to force the suspect to provide them with the access the information contained in the electronic devices. The suspect has the right to remain silent during and afterShow MoreRelatedInvestigation Of A Criminal Investigation Essay1447 Words  | 6 PagesInvestigation Research A criminal investigator can be described as an individual who collects, records, and analyzes evidence and information related to a criminal offense. The main goal of criminal investigation is to discover the truth regarding the events and processes that contributed to the occurrence of a criminal offense. 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Department of Justice, Pricewaterhouse-Coopers, and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) (Houck, Kranacher, Morris, Riley, Robertson, Wells, 2006). An understanding of effective fraud and forensic accounting techniques can assist forensic accountants in identifying illegal activity and discovering and preserving evidence. Forensic accounting is a science that deals with the application of accounting facts gatheredRead MoreForensic Science And Criminal And Civil Law Enforcement843 Words  | 4 Pages The history of the use of forensic science in criminal cases in the United States is well over a century old. With the growth of society, the outcry to reduce crime, law enforcement agencies have taken decisive measures to minimize crime, and in doing so, turned to the scientific community for assistance, and technical support. As such, criminal investigation revolves around three particular questions: 1. who committed the crime? 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Both take place in courtrooms all across the country, but there are several differences that separate the two as well as the role of fraud examiner in each proceeding. The major difference of the two in an embezzlement case is: 1) In a criminal court case, the opposing parties
Saturday, December 14, 2019
John Wooden, Wooden on Leadership Free Essays
John Wooden on Leadership I am informing the SAI that Wooden on Leadership by John Wooden is a book that demonstrates and shows leadership skills. John Wooden started his leadership in 1932 at football practice in Kentucky as the coach. He then went on to become head coach At UCLA in 1949. We will write a custom essay sample on John Wooden, Wooden on Leadership or any similar topic only for you Order Now While at UCLA Wooden wrote his fifteen steps of leadership. Wooden’s pyramid of success not only helped his team, but his own life. The first block on the pyramid is to be industrious. Wooden grew up on a small farm and learned you had to be up early and work very late. A normal person will complain when tired, but an industrious person will work hard and strive for the best that they can achieve. One should not want to stop when they can, but work all the way through until the job is done even if the person is tired and weak because they strive to complete whatever is needed. A person should be focused on the objective and not what they want to do later. While being industrious, a person also needs to have enthusiasm. As a leader a person must be filled with energy and love what they are doing. If a leader has enthusiasm for what they are doing their followers will too. Being enthused can make or break whether the job is completed. A person’s enthusiasm can turn a boring or failing job into a well working successful accomplishment. A job should always be done with eagerness to show that you care. Friendship plays a big role in the success of leadership. A person should not bring or hold their â€Å"favorites†above any one when it comes to leadership just because they are your friend doesn’t make them the best person to complete your goal. A person should stay professional when around friends, but still treat the friends equal to the other subordinates. Seek to find the strengths of friendships among the group and do what is necessary to keep the job going. Don’t judge a person’s ability to tribute to the team because you don’t know them as well as the others around you. When being the leader you should always show loyalty to a fellow member. When you show loyalty to you team, you will receive loyalty back. A leader has to search their people to find loyalty and gain their interest of wanting to succeed. When a person is in a group doing a job, they want to have loyalty spread through the effort. A leader should not only be loyal to their group, but also themselves. To accomplish an objective a person must have cooperation with his/her people. Cooperation is the key to allowing a job to be complete. Nothing can be fully done without cooperation of a team. When cooperation is being executed the job becomes easier because more opinions allow for all the problems to be solved. When I becomes we more is done and more can be dealt with. A leader needs to have a lot of self-control to overcome challenges. Self-control makes a good leader because they set the example. When a leader has self-control, it allows for the team to have self-control as well. Focusing on controlling yourself when times are hard in completing an objective by controlling yourself can make the outcome easier to obtain in the end. Self-control brings self-discipline which a leader has to show allowing the followers to have a person to reflect from. As a leader works with his/her followers they always need to have alertness. When a leader’s is gifted with alertness, it comes in handy on supervising if and when you need to switch out the jobs of your followers to allow the group to grow as one. Alertness is essential to finding the trend, opportunities, and changes that can or should be made to make a better organization to complete what needs to be done. A leader must evaluate their team to know the advantages and disadvantages so the problem can be faced with the most critical way to strive and obtain the goal. A leader can have a potential weapon if he/she is alert on a constant basis. A leader must be a risk taker and strive for initiative. If a follower fails to take initiative then it falls back on the leader because the leader did not force the player to take initiative and run with it. Failure is necessary to the initiative of ending with successfulness. A leader with initiative also has courage in that his/her group will strive to do the very best. A team that makes the most mistakes to complete the goal usually wins in the end whether it is winning a game or making the deadline. Without intentness the team would soon rather quit and give up on accomplishing what needs to be done. A leader with intentness may not complete all short term goals, but will make up double with the end result. If the leader makes a goal, it may take time because all good things will take time as well as willingness to make the goal. Always fight for the best because you will always come out better in the end. Intentness will make a team strive even when times are hard and seem like all else fails. Conditioning all around is one of the centers of the thing that is demanded from a team. Not only physical condition, but mental plays a big part of the successfulness in a team. When a leader has conditioning all around, he can bend and squeeze his/ her way to show what is best for the team. A team uses moderation to condition the way things are done to allow the best way possible to prevail. Condition from a leader can make a team grow together as one and always succeed. A team always needs skill as well as team spirit. Team spirit comes from the skill of the group. A team’s skill comes from each individual and they work together to succeed. Skill comes from each individual and the leader has to make everyone work together to complete the task. Team spirit only comes when a team’s skill works together. A team’s greatest strength is staying poise and having confidence. Poise is staying calm when under pressure and a leader should make his team just be their selves. When a team is poise, they have confidence that they will strive for the best. A leader will always have confidence that his team will do the right thing. Being poise in every situation will, take a group succeed. Competitive greatness is the final step of the pyramid. Always be the best that you can be. Never settle for the least and always strive for the goal and completing the task. Wooden closes with saying that you always work with your team to be successful. A leader has to have these characteristics to be able to lead a group to complete their goals and be the best they can be. How to cite John Wooden, Wooden on Leadership, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Business Event Management
Question: Discuss about theBusiness Event Management. Answer: Introduction: In this assignment the importance of event management planning has been discussed. As Silvers and Goldblatt (2012) stated that appropriate event management planning has significant role to play to develop a successful event. Event management plan can perform a number of significant functions. According to Preston (2012), event management helps to secure permission for the event to proceed. It provides a road map for the event to all stakeholders. It also provides support during the event. Event management acts as a key decision-support tool during the event and provides a solid outline for staff briefing. In this assignment, 3 scenarios of event management have been provided. At first a Spatial Analysis has been done to find out how each scenario influence space. Then a functionality analysis has been conducted on all 3 case scenarios in order to find out what functions and which kind of facilities are required for each scenario. After that, the conference operations those are required for each scenario has been analyzed. It has also been discussed how the number of delegates can makes a difference in the event management plan. Spatial Analysis For this assignment, three different venues have been selected for three different scenarios. All these venues are located on the same destination Sydney. These venues are selected depending on the number of delegates, exhibitors and days of operation. Scenario a A small conference will be conducted in Sydney with workshops and forums. There will be 100-200 delegates and 10 exhibitors attain this conference. The conference will be conducted over 2 days. For this small conference, the Star room venue is selected. Location of Star room venue is Level 6, Cockle Bay Wharf, Darling Park, Sydney NSW 2000 (Docksidegroup 2016). The number of delegates attaining a conference has significant impact on the space requirement for the event. As it is a small conference, a small venue like Star Room is appropriate. The entire venue is 350 sqm. Height of the ceiling is 15 meter. The theater and the cabaret are 200 sqm and 160 sqm respectively. The cocktail are is 400 sqm and the classroom is 120 sqm. Scenario b In the second scenario, a medium sized conference will be conducted over 3 days. It will be opened with plenary session. In addition, 6 to 8 concurrent sessions will be organized every day. Some social networking activities will also be conducted in this conference. For this conference LAqua venue of Dockside is selected. 600 to 1500 delegates and 50 exhibitors will attain this conference for which the venue is ideal. Location of LAqua venue is Rooftop Level, Cockle Bay Wharf, Darling Park, Sydney 2000 (Docksidegroup 2016). LAqua has terrace room to conduct all the concurrent sessions. Area of the Terrace room is 244 sqm. The height of the terrace room is 2.9-3.37 meter. There is a gold room in the venue, which is ideal for the plenary session. Area of the gold room is 180 sqm and height is 4.2 meter. Scenario c A major international conference will be held for 5 days with plenary, concurrent sessions and social networking activities for each day. 3,500 to 5,000 delegates and 400 exhibitors will attain this conference. For this conference has been selected. Location of Dockside Pavilion venue is Balcony Level, Cockle Bay Wharf, Darling Park, Sydney 2000 (Docksidegroup 2016). The entire venue is 1560 sqm. It is ideal for the plenary, concurrent sessions and social networking activities. There is also an outdoor terrace where the closing gala dinner and award ceremonies can be organized. In addition, the venue has large theatre (1800 sqm) and classroom (612 sqm) that can appropriate for a large conference like it. Functional Analysis Scenario a In the small conference held in Star Room venue, there are mainly two types of functions conducted. They are such as workshops and forums. There are some major steps related with organizing a forum (Bearzotti et al. 2012). 1) At first, it is required to find out the organizational partners who are co-hosting the forum. 2) Then it is required to decide appropriate timing and place for the workshop and forum. It has been analyses that the classroom of the Star Room venue is appropriate for such workshop and forum. 3) Then it is required to decide the program that will be organized in the workshop. 4) At last, the costs related with the workshop activity have to be analyzed. Scenario b In case of the middle-sized conference, the major functions will be conducted. They are such as opening plenary session, 6 to 8 concurrent session every day and some social networking activities. Plenary meetings, breakouts will be organized in the gold room while concurrent session will be organized on the Terrace room. As Masterman (2014) stated that, it has become a tradition to incorporate meetings with breakout sessions or concurrent sessions. At first a large session will be organized where all the delegates will attend a general session with the key exhibitors. Then it will break out into multiple smaller sessions. Delegates will attend these sessions in accordance with their interests. For example, if a football team organizes a concurrent session, then one session will be for defense, one session will be for offense and one for strategy building. The necessary items required to organize the breakout sessions properly. They are such as screen, projector, microphone, sound sys tem and mixer. Additional items such as wireless microphones, slide advancer, laser pointer, table microphone and audience microphones. Scenario c In the large conference, plenary session, concurrent sessions and social networking activities will be organized every day. In addition, a closing gala dinner and award ceremonies will also be organized as well. A PCO exhibition is going to be organized where more than 400 exhibitors will be participating. For this reason, it is required to have registration desk and office. For the closing Gala dinner, it is required to have decorated house kitchen and serving areas. In order to develop proper interaction between delegates and exhibitors, the venue must have quite areas and networking spaces. In order to organize social activities in conjunction with business events it is required to have cocktail bars and large dining rooms. Operational Requirements Scenario a As in the first conference, only workshops and forums are going to be organized, hence only technical items are required. It includes Bluetooth devices, video links, screen, projector, microphone, sound system and mixer. Soundproof rooms and networking space is required to develop effective interaction between the Host Company, exhibitors and delegates. There are some additional items such as wireless microphones, slide advancer, laser pointer, table microphone and audience microphones will be required for the conference. Scenario b Technical items such as Bluetooth devices, video links, screen, projector, microphone, sound system, mixer, wireless microphones, slide advancer, laser pointer, table microphone and audience microphones will be required. Scenario c Just like above mentioned two conferences, it will also require all the technical items. However, Getz (2012) mentioned that Concurrent session audio visual needs are often similar to that of a breakout room but often with a bit more dressing up. It requires some Audio Visual upgrades like fast fold screens, drape and pipe, accent lighting and signal switching. As a PCO exhibition is going to be organized, a registration desk and office is required to retain all information of delegates and exhibitors who are attending the conference. As closing Gala dinner, it is required to have decorated house kitchen and serving areas. In order develop social activities in conjunction with business events, it is required to decorate the dining room and cocktail bar properly. In addition appropriate communication system is required make proper interaction between exhibitor and delegates. Appropriate signage and furniture are required to make proper sitting arrangements for visitors. Proper caterin g service is required to conduct the closing Gala dinner properly. It includes organized housing kitchen and serving areas. Conclusion It has been found that there are 3 case scenarios given in this assignment. In the first case scenario, it has been mentioned that a small conference will be organized with workshops and forums. There will be 100-200 delegates and 10 exhibitors attain this conference. In the second scenario, it has been stated that a medium sized conference will be conducted over 3 days. It will be opened with plenary session. In addition, 6 to 8 concurrent sessions will be organized every day. Some social networking activities will also be conducted in this conference. 600 to 1500 delegates and 50 exhibitors will attain this conference. In the third scenario, it is mentioned that a major international conference will be held for 5 days with plenary, concurrent sessions and social networking activities for each day. 3,500 to 5,000 delegates and 400 exhibitors will attain this conference. For this conference has been selected. Depending on the total amount of visitors, separate venues are selected for each scenario. It has been found that technical items like speakers, screens, monitors, microphones are common requirement for all three conferences. However, appropriate dinning arrangement is required for the large conference as a closing gala dinner is going to be organized. References Bearzotti, L.A., Salomone, E. and Chiotti, O.J., 2012. An autonomous multi-agent approach to supply chain event management.International Journal of Production Economics,135(1), pp.468-478. Docksidegroup, 2016.Iconic Waterfront Venues Sydney | Weddings, Conference, Meeting, University Balls School Formal Venues | Dockside Group. [online] Docksidegroup.com.au. Available at: https://docksidegroup.com.au [Accessed 25 Aug. 2016]. Getz, D., 2012. Event studies: Discourses and future directions.Event Management,16(2), pp.171-187. Hall, C.M., 2012. Sustainable mega-events: Beyond the myth of balanced approaches to mega-event sustainability.Event Management,16(2), pp.119-131. Janiesch, C., Matzner, M. and Mller, O., 2012. Beyond process monitoring: a proof-of-concept of event-driven business activity management.Business Process Management Journal,18(4), pp.625-643. Masterman, G., 2014.Strategic sports event management. Routledge. Preston, C., 2012.Event marketing: how to successfully promote events, festivals, conventions, and expositions. Wiley. Silvers, J.R. and Goldblatt, J., 2012.Professional event coordination(Vol. 62). John Wiley Sons.
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