Sunday, December 22, 2019
Forensic Investigation On The Criminal Justice System
Forensic investigation is the application of scientific technology and procedures used in the establishment and investigation of criminal evidence and facts that are to be analyzed and later used in the criminal justice system. It is a broad field that encompasses major professional organizations that helps in combating crimes through the provision of forensic labs where the analysis of investigation is carried out. The forensic criminal investigation agencies are mandated with the collection of evidence from crime scene and later analyze for use the criminal justice system. However, there are forensic procedures used to collect and process the forensic evidence from electronic devices. The procedures have to follow the fourth and Fifth†¦show more content†¦They have to consider whether the seizure violates the expectations of individual privacy. The team has to vividly outline the reasons as to why they expect to get reliable information from the electronics. They have to consider the extent by which the search violates the legitimate expectations of the individual privacy. The investigators should understand that the individual has expectation of privacy of the information stored in these electronic devices. This validates the electronic devices to be treated as like a briefcase. The fourth amendment prohibits the forensic investigator from accessing the information stored in digital devices that would violate the individual’s expectation of privacy. Actually, the suspect has a reasonable expectation of privacy ass the devices are at his home. This will mean that the investigators have to obtain a warrant of search before accessing the information stored in the devices. The Fifth Amendment prohibits the forensic investigator from forcing the suspect to provide any information that is treated against him in court as evidence. The amendment provides the suspect with individual privileges for against self-incrimination. Therefore, the investigator does not have to force the suspect to provide them with the access the information contained in the electronic devices. The suspect has the right to remain silent during and afterShow MoreRelatedInvestigation Of A Criminal Investigation Essay1447 Words  | 6 PagesInvestigation Research A criminal investigator can be described as an individual who collects, records, and analyzes evidence and information related to a criminal offense. The main goal of criminal investigation is to discover the truth regarding the events and processes that contributed to the occurrence of a criminal offense. 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